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他们的蓄意阻挠会比阿卜杜拉国王的统治持续得更久。Their obstructionism will outlast King Abdullah's reign.

这些左移人士突然喜欢上了法律之外的阻挠力量。It’s the left that has suddenly embraced extralegal obstructionism.

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ON公司的方案之后,来自西班牙政府的蓄意阻挠变得更强了。ON's proposal in April, the government's obstructionism intensified.

在执行法案时通常最常见的就是蓄意阻挠。Obstructionism is generally most evident at the stage of implementing a law.

州政府的蓄意阻挠大概是最具前景的攻击方式了。The most promising mode of attack for the right may be state-led obstructionism.

然而不管最终花落谁家,他都要面临着小泽一郎顽强的反抗。But no matter who is chosen, he will still face Mr Ozawa's dogged obstructionism.

国际争吵和冷战蓄意阻挠的时代终于结束了。The era of international bickering and cold war obstructionism has finally ended.

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相比直言不讳,反对派更加沉默,使得它更像是来自议会的蓄意阻挠。The opposition was more silent than outspoken, making its weight felt through parliamentary obstructionism.

局面说明,民主党人甚至似乎无法因为彰显对方的阻挠手段而在政治上占得机先。As it is, Democrats don't even seem able to score political points by highlighting their opponents' obstructionism.

荣约阮先生重谈过档一事,但阮存心玩弄,在场的斯、玥目睹一切。Honor talked about nguyen sir heavy related, but nguyen obstructionism file, play, present he witnessed everything,.

如果民主党人士可以反映出选民将在选票上如何严厉的惩罚党的阻挠,那他们都应该支持这个建议。Anyone in the LDP who reflects on how savagely voters might punish the party's obstructionism at the polls should favour this.

土地公开招标,提高按揭房贷利率,政府宏观调控为何阻力重重?Land for open tender, raising mortgage loans interest rates, the government's macroeconomic control why a lot of obstructionism ?

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如果众议院的民主党议员抵制Obama的法案,他还有一个备用计划,在竞选时指责共和党阻挠就业法案的实施。If Republicans in Congress block his plans, Obama has a Plan B, proposing to go out on the campaign trail blaming them for obstructionism.

不必紧张。事已至此,强调对手蓄意阻扰,民主党人似乎也在政治上得不上分。Don't hold your breath. As it is, Democrats don't even seem able to score political points by highlighting their opponents' obstructionism.

这场赌博的结局还在一定程度上取决于选民究竟是会把共和党的反对看作是坚持原则、和无谓支出做斗争,还是存心在这里搅局。And part of the outcome of this gamble depends on whether voters perceive Republican opposition as a principled stand against pointless spending, or an example of simple obstructionism.