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这狗崽子便是她唯一钟爱的人了!This whelp is the only person she loves!

我完全不知道该把这个崽子怎麽办。I had no idea what to do with this whelp.

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这狗崽子便是她唯一钟爱的人了!Destroy the lion while he is yet but a whelp.

温迪,我相信那就是你的那只小狼。Wendy, I do believe that's your little whelp !

人类在小的时候必须通过持续不断的学习了解世界。Every human whelp must learn about the world step by step.

就是这唯一的动机才使他能容忍这个小狗仔。That is the sole consideration which can make him endure the whelp.

灼热弓和红色雏龙手套现在不会破坏控制效果。Bow of Searing Arrows and Red Whelp Gloves will no longer break crowd control effects.

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每当喷炎幼兽被阻挡时,你可以令它对目标生物造成等同于喷炎幼兽力量的伤害。Whenever Laccolith Whelp becomes blocked, you may have it deal damage equal to its power to target creature.

兔崽子,我没有现在就立刻干掉你,你真的是很幸运,你笨到以为你可以用这样的口气对你的大酋长说话?You are lucky that I don't gut you right here, whelp. You are foolish to think that you can speak to your Warchief in such ways.

作为一名繁殖者,我们应该在事先考虑清楚母犬的健康状况,以及它繁殖幼犬的能力。As a breeder, concern for the bitches health and ability to whelp a litter of pups is usually forward thinking when working through issues.