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租船人必须对滞期负责。Chatterer must be responsible for demurrage.

租船人必须对滞期负责。Chatterer must be responsible for demurrage.

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预期的月滞期费是多少?What are the expected monthly demurrage costs?

装上船只或将货物交到吊杆之下,卖方应负担买方的一切费用和损失,如空舱费、滞期费及losses and expenses such as dead freight, demurrage. Consequential losses

由于修复操作工造成的损害消耗的时间计算在装卸货时间按或滞期时间之内。Time lost for repairing stevedore damage is to count as laytime or time on demurrage.

我们负责所有您的费用包括所有兴趣、费用,抗议等。We will be responsible for all your costs including all interests, expenses, demurrage etc.

任何逾期或延误,不遵从这条例的发货人将承担相应责任。Any delay or demurrage by not complying with this rule will be the shipper's responsibility.

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如果租船人希望船舶继续等待,应每10天预付一次滞期费。If charterer wish to keep vessel waiting, charterer should pay demurrage every 10days in advance.

关于国际贸易买卖合同条款中的装卸条款中,什么叫做滞期?On international trade sales contract terms in terms of handling what is called demurrage ? Speed laid off?

清特别注意其中有关集装箱和车辆支流的条款和条件。Particular attention is drawn to the terms and conditions therein relating to container and vehicle demurrage.

由于宁波港的煤炭专用泊位不足,致使船舶滞期严重,造成大量运力浪费。Lack of special berths for loading & unloading coal caused vessels' serious demurrage and great loss of transportation capacity.

卖方应按照租船契约的条款和条件向买方支付在装货港产生的滞期费。Seller shall pay to Buyer Demurrage incurred at the loading Port in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Charter Party.

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滞期费和延滞损失历来是不定期船业务中最复杂且最容易产生纠纷的一个环节,因而已经有许多详尽且精彩的著作。Demurrage and damage for detention have always been one of the most complicated parts of tramp shipping business, causing lots of disputes.

在允许装卸时间过后,由买方按损失的时间及下述费率计付滞期费给卖方。Demurrage money shall be paid by the BUYER to the SELLER for time lost after expiration of allowable lay time at the rates provided hereunder.

在卸货港的滞期费或速遣费由买方在收到船主的商业发票的5个银行日内支付。Demurrage or dispatch at the port of unloading is to be settled by the Buyer within 5 banking days from receipt of vessel's master commercial invoice.

如果展商要求保留集装箱返程,滞期费将被记入借方知道货轮离岗。If exhibitor requires to keep the container for return shipment, container demurrage charges will be debited to exhibitor till date of vessel departure.

尽管第10.5条有规定,但如果延期是由于仓储方的过失或不作为而直接造成的,仓储方应承担延期费。Notwithstanding Clause 10.5, STORER shall be liable for demurrage to the extent that the delay is directly caused by STORER 's misconduct or negligence.

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我方同意出具一份释款书给租船人,签认他们有权主张滞期,如果他们最终同意支付租金。We agree that a letter of release will be issued to the Charterers endorsing to them all their rights to demurrage if payment is eventually effected by them.

运送人所适用运价表条款属本提单之一部份。请特别注意与货柜和运输工具延滞费有关的条款。The terms of the Carrier's Applicable Tariff are incorporated herein. Particular attention is drawn to the terms therein relating to Container and Vehicle demurrage.

由于教育行政管理法律法规漏洞较多,许多案件无法可依,而法律原则是解决此问题的有效手段之一。Laws on educational administration cannot be applied to lots of cases for their demurrage and gaps so that applying legal principles is the best way to settle this problem.