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一种在干上有向上的绒毛的植物。A row of the hairs fringing the eyelid.

亲吻眼皮——敬慕。Kissing on the eyelid signifies adoration.

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眼险整容术费用是多少?。How much does cosmetic eyelid surgery cost?

割双眼皮和倒睫的区别?。Cut double-fold eyelid medicable trichiasis.

眼皮消肿啦,眼睛重又神采奕奕啦!Eyelid detumescence, the eye is heavy alight!

秦海璐为自己特有的单眼皮也投了保险。Qin Hailu insured her particular single eyelid.

你可能不知道第三眼睑,但你拥有它。You may not know it, but you have a third eyelid.

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好啦!眼皮消肿啦,眼睛重又神采奕奕啦!Good! Eyelid detumescence , the eye is heavy alight!

上眼睑的一条细线就可以获得成功了。A thin line just on the top eyelid will do the trick.

怎样使单眼皮的眼镜变大?How to make the glasses of single-edged eyelid greatens ?

每晚往眼皮内挤一点眼药膏。Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night.

每晚挤一点眼药膏在你的眼皮里。Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night.

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将眼睑翻转可发现一扩张的睑板腺。Eversion of the eyelid may show a dilated meibomian gland.

眼球及眼睑周国摸得到骨头的两个凹洞,便是眼窝。Zhou eye and eyelid bone loss by the two Aodong is orbital.

眶满以后,那眼泪便沿着他青灰的面颊流了下来。When the eyelid was full, the tear trickled down his livid cheek.

将以付出下眼睑皮肤过早松弛为沉重代价。Will be paid under the eyelid skin premature relax for the price.

“眼睑位置处于正常或微小关闭不全”这样翻译对不对?。The position of eyelid edge is normal or gentleness insufficiency.

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不要触摸滴管尖端的眼睛,眼睑或任何其他对象。Do not touch dropper tip to the eye, eyelid or to any other object.

她有慢性左眼睑下垂和轻度外周性水肿。She had chronic ptosis of the left eyelid and mild peripheral edema.

眼上有东西或者眼皮下有不能去掉的东西An object on the eye or under the eyelid that can't easily be removed