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这里你必须慢慢地演奏。Here you must play adagio.

从头来…不对,是慢板这里。Okay, at the beginning. No, no. Adagio. Adagio.

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我在想塔尼亚,想她怎样弹奏慢板。I'm thinking of Tania and how she claws away at her adagio.

慢板于此处带著节制的开朗情绪中暂时告一段落。The Adagio section ends in a relatively subdued and bright mood.

如何在这个自由舞的视频在芭蕾舞蹈组合慢板。How to dance a adagio combination in ballet in this free dancing video.

主要板式有亮调、慢板、流润滑板、剁板。Youliang tune the main plate, Adagio , lubrication plate, cutting board.

“教育明天的运输管理人员”是DMS的过程中慢板。"Educating tomorrow's transport managers" is the adagio of the DMS course.

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第一个迹象,慢板莫尔托,意味着缓慢非常,换句话说,非常缓慢。The first indication, Adagio Molto, means slow -very, In other words, very slowly.

吹奏时慢板部分徐缓如歌,优美动人,要充满情感色彩。When playing some slow Adagio Cantabile, beautiful and moving, full of emotion to color.

他演奏慢板乐章,哀悼死亡的疯狂,祝颂幸存者奇迹似的命运。She listened to him playing adagio bemoaning the ghastly deaths and rejoicing over the miraculous survivals.

最突出的是对时间感受的变化,即感到时间过得缓慢,几分钟如同几小时。The most outstanding is the change that feels to time, feel time passes adagio namely, a few minutes as a few hours.

这并不表示其就是弱者的行为,勉强隐藏只会使病情恢复更加缓慢罢了。This and no indication its just weak person of act, Constrainedly hidden will makes illness feeling comeback further adagio.

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景观桥天津的桥不只有宏伟壮阔的交响乐,也不乏低吟浅唱抒情慢板。Landscape Bridge As well as facilitating a magnificent symphonic allegro, some bridges in Tianjin provide for a more lyrical adagio.

如果说犹如暴风骤雨般的第一乐章是戏剧的一幕,那么明净、安详的慢板第二乐章就是暂时的宁静。If we say that if stormy first movement is a dramatic scene, then the bright and clean, serene Adagio second movement is a temporary calm.

慢板一开始是晦暗的,弦乐从低音域慢慢上升,逐渐变得明亮,动机逐渐汇整为主题,素材一一开展呈现。The Adagio begins darkly, the strings rising from their bass range but soon reaching brighter terrain as motivic bits are assembled and the main thematic material begins to unfold.

她自始至终地将演奏精确的快速乐段贯穿于开始和结束乐章之中,还运用诱人的富于力度变化的柔韧性去创造柔板乐章中经常有突转的演绎”。She moved through the fast passage work in the outer movements with a seamless precision and she used an alluring dynamic flexibility to create an often wrenching account of the Adagio.