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冰雹摧毁了我的芙蓉花。The hailstorm destroyed my hibiscus.

木槿花茶能降低血压吗?Can hibiscus tea lower blood pressure?

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芙蓉镇笼罩在恐怖当中。Hibiscus Town were shrouded in terror.

是锦葵科黄槿属常绿灌木。Malvaceae Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub.

大红花具有边缘像锯子的叶子。The Hibiscus has leaves with edges like a saw.

在附近的马缨花树下,一位老人正坐着打瞌睡。An old man was dozing under a nearby hibiscus tree.

这些天,学校池塘四周的木芙蓉盛开了!The hibiscus is blooming well at school these days.

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现在我还是习惯叫你槿,因为我是和槿相识的。Now I used to call you Jin, because I am and hibiscus.

在外婆家的门前就有一颗婀娜多姿的芙蓉树。In Grandma's in front of a hibiscus tree, there a Graceful.

芙蓉花色的餐厅辉映花园的颜色。HIbiscus colored Dining Room echoes the colors of the garden.

这是我如何作出芙蓉花为我的夏威夷蛋糕。This is how I made the hibiscus flowers for my Hawaiian cake.

它像洗澡水一样温暖,她的皮肤摸起来有着像木槿一样的肌理。It was warm like bath water, her skin the texture of hibiscus.

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她的手如洗澡水般温暖,皮肤如大红花般细腻。It was warm like bath water, her skin the texture of hibiscus.

站在房间,透过窗子,我可以看到一棵高高的木棉树。From the window of my room, I could see a tall cotton rose hibiscus.

房间的窗户外面,一株高大的木芙蓉。From the window of my room, I could see a tall cotton-rose hibiscus.

有一种很受欢迎的植物我没种过,就是木槿。There is one popular plant that I have not tried it, i. e, hibiscus.

忽有一花迎白露,定应来伴木芙蓉。Suddenly there is a welcoming flower dew, will be to accompany Hibiscus.

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生活和个网一样,没有足够的大红花资料就被淘汰了。The life and a nets as, not enough red hibiscus material were eliminated.

而木槿花王国想以什么来结束这篇短文?And so what does the Hibiscus Flower Kingdom wish to conclude this essay with?

韩国国花为木槿花,国鸟为喜鹊。South Korea national flower for hibiscus flowers, national bird for the magpies.