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义素脱落是一种语境义变现象。Morpheme absorption is a form of semantic deviations.

词素是形态学研究的最基本的单位。Morpheme is the basic unit in the study of morphology.

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词素是单词的最小的有意义的组成部分。Morpheme is the smallest meaning-bearing unit of language.

词素是最小的意义单位,有意义也有声音。A morpheme is a dual combination of both sound and meaning.

描写双音节并列式复合词语素的组合状况。Describing the morpheme order of bisyllabic copulative compound.

我说的是词,但更专业的术语则叫做"语素"I'm talking about words but the more technical term is "Morpheme."

传统上把意义的基本成分称为词素。The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.

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语素是语言中最小的意义单位And what a morpheme is is the smallest meaningful unit in a language.

第三种定义是,“词是介于词素和词组之间的语法单位。”The language unit below word is morpheme and that above word is phrase.

英语中有哪些所用语素?举例说明。What are, with examples, the various types of morpheme used in English?

义符的语义也会对它的示意作用有一定的影响。Meanwhile the semantics of the morpheme may also affect its semantic function.

语素义在词语词汇化中的作用需要重视。The important roles of the meaning of the morpheme need pay more attention to.

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在化合物,最右边的语素确定讲话的一部分的话。In compounds, the rightmost morpheme determines the part of speech of the word.

对于像英语这样的语言,那种生物被表示为语素"狗"For a language like English, that creature there is referred to with the morpheme "Dog."

在拼写中被称为形素变体的形式形成了词素。What occurs is an orthographic form in writing termed "morph" which realizes the morpheme.

这个过程中加入一个以上的词缀一个自由词素称为复杂的推导。This process of adding more than one affix to a free morpheme is termed complex derivation.

义素脱落和语义演变有联系也有区别。There are relations and differences between the morpheme absorpiton and the semantic development.

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在南通话中,老的使用频率较高,有向成词语素发展的倾向。Lao is used rather frequently in Nantong dialect and it has a tendency towards a morpheme of words.

用词素重复启动的方法考察合成词的心理表征。The morpheme repeated prime paradigm was used to probe the mental representation of compound words.

对蒙古文数据的查找方法进行了分析,给出了一种新的蒙古文数据的查找方法——最小字素查询方法。The query method of Mongolian data is analyzed and a new minimum morpheme query method is introduced.