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这就是为什么在实际上什里又治作为催化剂的行为。This is why in actuality Shri Mataji acts as a catalyst.

锡吕·玛塔吉生于1923年,比我们大多数人早很多年。Shri Mataji was born in 1923, many years before most of us.

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锡吕·玛塔吉的讲话已经被许许多多的人听见。Shri Mataji's words have been heard by great numbers of people.

摩诃迦利是你左脉的力量,愿望的力量。Shri Mahakali is the power of your left side, the power of desire.

锡吕·玛塔吉为争取印度的自由而斗争,为超过3.5亿的人带来独立的国家地位。Shri Mataji fought in the freedom struggle that brought nationhood to over 350 million people.

或许描述特质展现了整条道路。智慧、慈悲、愿景、爱。锡吕·玛塔吉是所有这些,而且更多。Perhaps qualities are the way. Wisdom. Compassion. Vision. Love. Shri Mataji is all these things. And more.

锡吕玛塔吉,我们感谢这个独一无二的机会介绍霎哈嘉瑜伽给医生和特别的求道者。Shri Mataji we thank You for this unique opportunity to introduce Sahaja Yoga to doctors and specialist seekers.

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此外,他补充说,他'赞同锡吕玛塔吉对昆达里尼激活和其有益效果的解释。Further he added that he ‘agreed with H.H. Shri Mataji’s explanations of Kundalini activation and its beneficial effects’.

从那天起,我就明白我不会再孤孤单单了。接下来,几乎每个月我们都会坐上汽车或大巴,开几个小时的车去参加交流会看望锡铝玛塔吉。And then, almost every month we could just get into a car or bus and drive just a few hours to an event to see Shri Mataji.

锡铝玛塔基坚持着,最终包裹住我的无知终于被撕开口了,锡铝玛塔基的光照射进了我的心中。Shri Mataji persisted and eventually the ignorance that enveloped me was torn open and the light of Shri Mataji shone through.

当我是一个小孩的时候,我常常看见克里希那,吹着笛子,如同他被印度教徒们所描绘的样子,因为我母亲是一个克里希那的奉献者。When I was a small boy, I used to see Shri Krishna, with the flute, as He is pictured by the Hindus, because my mother was a devotee of Shri Krishna.

我那时是个认识了锡铝玛塔基和感受到了集体的爱的年轻人,可仍然堕落回过去充满着毒品和酒精的有害无益的生活中。I was a young man that recognized Shri Mataji and felt loved by the collective and still fell into the harmful life of drugs and alcohol that had been my past.

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锡吕玛塔吉在她早期多次教导中提示中央通道—也称为中脉—描绘了副交感神经系统。H.H Shri Mataji revealed several times in Her teachings in earlier days that the Central Channel-also called the Sushumna Nadi- represents the ‘Parasympathetic System’.

但霎哈嘉瑜伽给我感觉是,神明拿著我的手来教导我,真是一个很近距离的接触一样。Sahaja Yoga, however, is God holding my hands, in such close distance, teaching me and guiding me. I am extremely lucky to grow under the love and protection of Mother Shri Mataji.

苏尼塔威廉卡菲基恩,一个环保和政治活动家,以及作为可持续发展的绿色概念的主要倡导者,获印度政府在2005年帕德马师利。Sunita Narain, an environmentalist and political activist as well as a major proponent of the Green concept of sustainable development, was awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India in 2005.