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花博会的展期将持续至明年4月25日。The exposition will last until April 25 next year.

那部电影的情节和故事阐述真是超级烂。The movie's exposition and plotting are mega-lame.

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他们打算召开一次国际博览会。They are going to hold an international exposition.

冀胯窝可得良好暴露。The Hebei hip nest may result in the good exposition.

上海将于明年举办世界博览会。And Shanghai will hold the World Exposition next year.

在这里最高的山上的立着各种风车。An exposition of windmills located on the highest hill.

在宜兰县武荖坑举办的2008绿色博览会已经迈入第九年了!The Yilan Green Exposition has been last for nine years.

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首先看到的是传统木屐鞋的介绍。The first thing to see is an exposition of historic klomps.

下面你看到特斯拉线圈火花图片小的阐述。Below you see a small exposition of Tesla Coil spark pictures.

在我看来,奥运是人类体格的展示。In my eyes, the Olympics is the exposition of human physiques.

代表我国工业产品参加世界博览会。Represented r. o. c. industrial products for world exposition.

再过15分钟,第41届世界博览会将在中国上海隆重开幕。In about 15 minutes, the 41st World Exposition will open in Shanghai.

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此论述也可称围岩加固论。It can be called as the exposition of surrounding rock reinforcement.

中国邀请了世界各国参加国际博览会。China invited the world to participate in an international exposition.

其论述贯穿古今,阶段分明,脉络清晰。Its exposition through ancient and modern, stage clear, a clear context.

大厅建于1915年,是巴拿马-太平洋博览会的中心厅。It was built in 1915 as the centerpiece of the Panama-Pacific Exposition.

要弄快点,否则我们就要错过下个月的电子设备展览会了。Do it quickly, or else we will miss the Electronics Exposition next month.

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但你不能在解经和应用上出现较大的不平衡。But you should not have a huge imbalance between exposition and application.

百年世博一丝牵,南浔与世博会结下了不解之缘。Since then, Nanxun has forged an unbreakable bond with each world exposition.

结论长期小剂量的电离辐射照射可使机体受到一定的辐射损伤。Long- term low-dose radiation exposition may cause a certain radiant injuries.