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诺比和我向克罗伊登方向出发。Nobby and I set out for Croydon.

到路易斯和东克罗伊登转车。You change at Lewes and East Croydon.

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这七只燕子在克洛顿被释放。The seven swallows were set free at Croydon.

克罗伊敦公爵仔细察看着一张摊开的埃索公路图。The Duke of Croydon proved over an opened Esso road map.

莫克福特是伦敦克罗伊登机场的无线电工作人员。Mockford was a radio officer at Croydon Airport in London.

晚上我们在克罗伊登表演,感觉挺好。So we had our show today in Croydon , and I felt really good tonight.

此外,丹尼尔-辛蒂姆被租借到克洛伊顿竞技队,为期一个月。Daniel Sintim has also gone out on a month's loan to Croydon Athletic.

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进一步扩大在1995年发生在克罗伊登新店和普利茅斯。Further expansion occurred in 1995 with a new shop in Croydon and in Plymouth.

可谁知道,三天以后来了一封信,要我到克罗伊登参加面试。However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to Croydon for an interview.

令人振奋的消息从圣弘的刚刚宣布在当地克罗伊登新闻。Exciting news from St. Philip's has just been announced in the local Croydon press.

但是,三天后收到一封来信,让我去克罗伊登面试。However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go to Croydon for an interview.

当时很多的空难都是发生在克里登机场到法国巴黎布尔歇机场这条航线上的。Much of the air traffic at that time was between Croydon Airport and Le Bourget Airport near Paris, France.

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那个时候有大量的航班来往于克罗伊登机场和法国巴黎附近的布尔歇机场。Much of the air traffic at that time was between Croydon Airport and Le Bourget Airport, near Paris, France.

报道指出,伦敦南部克罗伊登和克拉珀姆区以及东部的哈克尼区均遭到闹事者焚烧。Reports that the South London and Croydon and Clapham area east of Hackney have been burning the perpetrators.

游客们在位于克罗伊登的南克罗伊登休闲公园幸运地瞥见了这只罕见的白化松鼠。Visitors to South Croydon Recreation Park in Croydon have been lucky to get a glimpse of this rare albino squirrel

他是位于伦敦南部克罗伊登市的费尔菲尔德礼堂伦敦莫扎特室内乐团的首席客串指挥。He is Principal Guest Conductor of the London Mozart Players, based at the Fairfield Halls, Croydon , South London.

克罗伊登高街对开的一个小胡同,一个洗劫电子商店不远处,牙买加音乐的嗡嗡声向鲍勃马利致敬存储。On a small alley off Croydon High Street, not far from a ransacked electronics shop, the hum of Jamaican music leads to a Bob Marley tribute store.

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该机场酒店是一家一流的三星级酒店附近的克罗伊登市中心,位于上的A23快速,方便的公路或铁路前往伦敦市中心,并关闭了M25和M23高速公路。Excellent location for Croydon City Centre, ideally located on the A23, with quick and easy access to central London by road or rail and close to the M25 and M23 motorways.