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那妇人点点头。The woman nodded affirmatively.

巴拉瑟夫肯定地点了点头。Balashov bent his head affirmatively.

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我想他们肯定训练了好久。I think that they have trained a very long time affirmatively.

如果你得到你想要什么,你将肯定失去另一部分。If you get what you want, you will affirmatively lose another part.

我断然确认了理论与执行相符。I affirmatively confirmed the conformity ofthe theory with practice.

我断然确认了理论与实践相符。I affirmatively confirmed the conformity of the theory with practice.

我断然确认了理论与实践相符。它跳下桌案。I affirmatively confirmed the conformity of the theory with practice.

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争取让在你身边的朋友都是些积极而又对生活持肯定态度的人。Be sure your close friends are positive and affirmatively of the life.

老师对那个学生的问题作了肯定的回答。The teacher responded affirmatively to the question that student put forward.

你必须能操流利的语言回答这个问题肯定?Do you need to be fluent in the language to answer that question affirmatively ?

“那还有假!我妈妈小时候也吃过许多苦。”她肯定的回答。"Of course! My mother had a hard time in her childhood, too. " She answered affirmatively.

他肯定地告诉我他有一天会发财的,但我知道那是他的白日梦。He told me affirmatively that he would be rich some day, but I knew it's just his daydream.

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一些性节制可能是自愿的,比如说神父和修女,另一些则是肯定地选择独身生活。Now some abstinence might be voluntary, Catholic priests and nuns, or others who affirmatively opt for celibacy.

佛家对生前死后有许多说法,可是他们也同样无法证明给世人看,告诉世人当中确有其事。Buddhism has many statements on the situation before and after life but it can't prove them and tell them affirmatively.

蚕丝是天然纤维中的珍贵品种,天然彩丝织物的开发和应用必将更加受到人们的关注。Silk is the costful breed of natural fibres, and the developing of natural color silk will be affirmatively more welcomed.

因此,在循环改进的运行方式下,应急管理体系的绩效必定螺旋上升。So the performance of emergency management system will get improved affirmatively as helices in its continuously improving operation mode.

他们可能过度分散是错的,而我们则必须确实推理出基于我们自己目标的合适的分散投资策略。While they may be wrong in overdiversifying, we have to affirmatively reason through a proper diversification policy in terms of our objectives.

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同样地,一个人如果同意披露信息或者确实自行披露了信息,一般不能因这些信息被公开而提出起诉。Similarly, individuals who consent to the release of information, or who affirmatively disclose it themselves, generally cannot complain if it is published.

随着股改的不断进行,中国股市的全球通时代就要到来。With the development of the reform of the securities market, the times of all-circulated shares in the Chinese securities market will affirmatively come to us.

你还可以不时的以肯定的态度点点头,这意味着你知道他正在说什么,如果点头的同时再伴以微笑,那说明你对谈话感到非常享受。Nodding your head affirmatively occasionallyindicates that you understand what the talker is saying. Smiling at the sametime indicates that you are enjoying the conversation.