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美对接两大军事同盟?Two US-military alliance butt?

关于移动健康联合奖学金About the mHealth Alliance Award

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联盟的资源和新闻。The Alliance resources and news.

漫不经心是一个联盟的失败。Insouciance is an alliance failure.

杰出的六百联盟英雄汉。Noble six hundred alliance Warrior.

这个联盟适合他们双方。The alliance has suited both sides.

他永不会原谅她不洁的媾和。He never forgave her unholy alliance.

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希特勒在东部与日本结成轴心国联盟。The Axis alliance with Japan in the East.

什么是新商盟烟草网站?What is the new alliance tobacco website?

对了!还有联盟的小娘子也在守我们!And, that alliance human girl is also here.

他们两人像兄弟般地撞了撞拳头。The two bump fists in a fraternal alliance.

总括而言,联盟的工作包括﹕In general, the work of the Alliance includes

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你觉得应唔应该解散支联会?Do you think the Alliance should be disbanded?

让这个联盟其作用绝非易事。Putting this alliance into effect is not easy.

这是一个攻守同盟。This is an alliance for offensive and defence.

站长内容联盟是做什么的?What does stationmaster content alliance make?

他们联合起来抵御共同敌人。They made an alliance against the common enemy.

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上航为何要退出星空联盟?Why is Shanghai Airlines leaving Star Alliance?

上航何时退出星空联盟?When will Shanghai Airlines leave Star Alliance?

他们与另外一个国家结成了同盟。They contracted an alliance with another country.