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去武昌有直达车吗?Be there a direct train for Wuchang?

去武昌有直达车吗?。Is there a direct train for Wuchang ?

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汉口、汉阳和武昌在哪儿?Where are Hankou,Hanyang and Wuchang?

汉口、汉阳和武昌在哪儿?。Where are Hankou, Hanyang and Wuchang?

武昌起义打响第一枪在这里。In 1911, the Wuchang Uprising fired here.

到底是谁打响了武昌首义第一枪?。Who on Earth Fired First in Wuchang Uprising?

武昌首义到底是谁打响了“第一枪”?。Who on earth fired first in Wuchang Uprising?

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长江把汉口和武昌分隔开来。The Yangtze River separates Hankou and Wuchang.

长江把汉口和武昌分隔开来。The Youngtze River separates Hankou and Wuchang.

武昌有哪些卖股票软件的公司?。Who does Wuchang have sell stock software company?

武昌是科教中心。Wuchang is the center for technology and education.

有汪集鸡汤和清蒸武昌鱼。We have"Wangji Chicken Soup" and "Steamed Wuchang Fish".

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那五常让算命先生代写应战告示。The Wuchang let the fortune teller to write with notices.

武昌起义使很多热血志士首次经受革命的洗礼。Many revolutionary devotees were blooded in Wuchang Uprise.

于是,那五常和九枪八等去三部落的郭家接人。So, the Wuchang Guo Jia access and nine gun eight to three tribes.

本文利用辐照技术对冻干武昌鱼进行杀菌研究。The freezing-drying Wuchang fish were irradiated to kill bacteria.

他们在武汉军营中共事的同事发动了这次叛变。Their colleagues in an army battalion stationed in Wuchang mutinied.

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武汉实际上是由汉口、汉阳和武昌三镇组成。Wuhan is composed of three towns, namely, Hankou, Hanyang, and Wuchang.

武昌站周边汽车运输方便。Wuchang Railway Station is easily accessible to automobile transportation.

前原带兵进入到手术室却不见那五常的踪影。The former soldiers into the operation room, but could not see the Wuchang.