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做好事。Do good.

尽量少做。Do less.

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少做事。Do less.

我想闯荡。I do want.

要啊,我会的。AYes, I do.

我们敢吗?Do we dare?

我当然同意。I do agree.

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熊这么做。Bears do it.

照我的吩咐去做。Do as I bid.

尽早完成。Do it early.

首先就去做。Do it first.

不要哭了。Do not weep.

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做蛙式。Do the frog.

你们会画吗?Do you draw?

我们动手干吧。Let's do it.

为什么有这么多方式呢Why do this?

不要盲目担心。Do not worry.

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做点儿什么。Do something.

他们会介意吗?Do they mind?

你上雅虎网吗?Do you Yahoo?