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我们的愿景和路线图是完整无缺的。The vision and the roadmap is intact.

点击这里可以查看产品线路图。The product roadmap is available here.

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这是美国所支持的通往和平计划的一部分。That is part of the US-backed roadmap for peace.

路线图中包含了一个基于NIO的服务器模块。We have an NIO-based server module on the roadmap.

作用于企业范围内提高和改变的路标A roadmap for organization-wide improvement and change

如果是的话,你应该把它加入到你的系统级复用的规划中。If so, you should add it to your systematic reuse roadmap.

写下你的目标来制作你的成功路线图。Writing down your goals creates the roadmap to your success.

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路线图上Delphi最后的版本名称为Commodore。The last named version of Delphi on the roadmap is Commodore.

Roadmap中的下一步就是0.6版本,还有在今年迟点会发布的1.0正式版。Next on the roadmap is 0.6, with a 1.0 release late in the year.

美国国立卫生研究院的表观基因学计划就在两年前开始运作。The NIH’s Roadmap Epigenomics Program started just two years ago.

应该能够从管理和维护计划中获得该路标。This roadmap should be captured in an Administration and Maintenance Plan.

在消极的一面,PCLinuxOS缺乏任何形式的路线图或版本的目标。On the negative side, PCLinuxOS lacks any form of roadmap or release goals.

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重回可持续发展之路需要时间,但路线图业已清晰。The journey back to sustainability will take time, but the roadmap seems clear.

现在是时候对我们使用的技术路线图作一个评估了。It was time for us to evaluate our roadmap against the technology we were using.

最后他们祭出了建立模型驱动MEBA平台完整的路线图。Finally they provide a complete roadmap for building a model-driven MEBA platform.

敦促新的和现有捐助者支助“路线图”所明确的优先事项。New and existing donors are urged to support priorities identified in the Roadmap.

在美国支持的和平“路线图”计划中,以色列被要求停止兴建定居点。Under the U.S.-backed "Roadmap" peace plan, Israel is required to halt construction.

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但是整体上来说,路线图还是一次真正具有建设性意义的有利尝试。But taken as a whole, the roadmap appears to be a genuine attempt to be constructive.

今年夏天,在经过了数个月的幕后讨论之后,一份改革路线图出现了。This summer, a roadmap for reform emerged after months of behind-the-scenes discussions.

开发工程把强制性的和可选择性的组件罗列出来作为成功的指路标。The Development Case lists both mandatory and optional artifacts as a roadmap to success.