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我觉得这部电影太缠绵了。I found the film far too saccharine.

不管怎样,saccharine这个词来源于拉丁语中的saccharum,saccharum的意思是“糖”。Either way, saccharine comes from saccharum, Latin for "sugar."

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这部电影就像想用苦涩酱汁煮出一道甜点。正在加载用户记忆法…Slumdog, then, is at best an attempt to cook a saccharine dish in a bitter sauce.

他们的目标是培育低糖但很甜的水果和蔬菜。Their goal is to design low-sugar fruits and vegetables that taste supremely saccharine.

坚持良好的平衡的蛋白质和糖精,并保持了高脂肪和加工食品。Adhere a good balance of protein and saccharine and keep off high fat and processed foods.

我个人认为前两部的电影有点太甜腻,太油腔滑调了,即便是对于哈利波特的书迷来说。I think probably the first two films were a little too saccharine and glib, even for Harry Potter fans.

你认为我该放下我小小的业余爱好,和她结婚,在甜得发腻的家庭生活中养育你。You think I should have quit my little hobby, married her and settled down to raise you in saccharine domesticity.

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布满丘比特画像和心形的糖果盒对于某些人而言太过甜腻,无论是情绪上还是口感上。Boxes of candy covered with cupids and hearts might, for some people, have a saccharine quality – both in sentiment and taste.

但是另一方面,他却能够签下像玛丽·霍普金这样的天才----有史以来声音最甜,最多愁善感的百灵鸟之一。And on the other, the McCartney who’s capable of signing up one of the soupiest and most saccharine songbirds ever, dear old Mary Hopkin.

在此之前,这位主播的最高成就是当副总统切尼在阿肯色州狩猎时对其进行的一次突访。Before that the anchorwoman's highest achievement was a saccharine interview with Vice-President Dick Cheney when he was hunting in Arkansas.

基地所盛产的“久保”桃以个大、色艳、含糖量高、成熟较晚而享誉京津及内蒙地区。The "Jiubao" peach that is in big size, colorful, highly Saccharine , late mature team in the base and it's famous in Beijing and Tianjin City.

关于Bill角色特征的一个决定性场景竟然是他向绑架来的女孩儿叙述自己与妻子初次相遇时如何被妻子的美貌所吸引并爱上了她。Bill’s defining moment comes with a saccharine aria he sings to the kidnapped girl about how beautiful and loving his wife was when they first met.

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作者在三天的实验过程中,训练小鼠回避糖精和有咸味的液体,并且在最后的训练中注射了该种病毒。The authors trained rats to avoid both saccharine and salty liquids over the course of three days, and then injected the virus a week after the last training.

他们同样疯狂痴迷于甜腻的流行音乐和电视通俗剧,但却缺乏个人志向,社会技能,甚至自我意识。They share a deranged obsession with saccharine pop music and television melodramas, but are devoid of personal ambition, social ability or even self-awareness.

以前育果套袋纸用新闻纸或牛皮纸制造,单纯从防病虫害出发,没有考虑到糖度和色泽。Fruit raising Pouch made of newsprint or kraft paper can only meet the Purpose of preventing pest from hurting. without thinking of saccharine degree and color lustre of the fruit.

葛瑞弗设计这样的盒子,他嘴上不说,但目的很清楚,就是要迎合一种蜜糖文化。这种风气,让大家以为每个人都很独特,不管表现如何,都可以不受批评。Greaves won't say what his motive is for the box, other than that it's in response to a saccharine culture in which everyone is special and nobody is criticized, regardless of performance.

网民们会称赞这些躲在幕后的英雄,他们不再面对着家中的电视屏幕,因为那播出的是些乏味单调的情节剧、严肃古板的新闻报道、催人泪下和腻人的电影。Those unsung heroes are lauded by netizens, who are turned off domestic TV screens marred by stultifying melodramas, rigid formulaic news coverage, soppy tear-jerkers and saccharine films.

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该法简单、快速、准确,可用于饼干、月饼等焙烤食品中糖精钠、富马酸二甲酯、苯甲酸和山梨酸的日常检测。The method is simple, efficient and accurate, and suitable for routine analysis of saccharine sodium, dimethyl fumarate, benzoic acid, and sorbic acid in baked food such as biscuits and moon cakes.

为了取悦那些不太喜欢缠绵悱恻风格的读者,讲谈社的竞争对手---小学馆推出了另一个漫画版本,该版本突出了女性人物阴险恶毒的性格,同时包含了大量露骨的性爱场面。For those who prefer a less saccharine approach, Shogakukan, a rival publisher, came up with another manga version that emphasises the malicious female characters and includes plenty of explicit sex.

为了取悦那些不太喜欢缠绵悱恻风格的读者,讲谈社的竞争对手—小学馆推出了另一个漫画版本,该版本突出了女性人物阴险恶毒的性格,同时包含了大量露骨的**场面。For those who prefer a less saccharine approach, Shogakukan, a rival publisher, came up with another manga version that emphasises the malicious female characters and includes plenty of explicit sex.