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他已经巧妙地排下了一天的工作程序。He figured out his program for the day to a nicety.

难道只有想象中的一切才会变得越来越美好。Is everything only in fancy becoming more and more nicety ?

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关于彩虹的一切,总是充满清新和美好。About rainbow, there' s always fill with greenness and nicety.

在某些文化中,送主人礼物不只是社交礼节——还是必要的。Giving your host a gift is nota social nicety in some cultures-it's expected.

羕故事的最终,我只能一个人望着天空回忆那年遗失的美好。Story eventually, I can only one man looked at the memory of the nicety lost.

在某些文化中,送主人礼物不只是社交礼节——还是必要的。Givingyour host a gift is not just a social nicety in some cultures--it'sexpected.

你瞧在化学课和历史课之间,我们需要多么小心地见风使舵。You can see with what nicety we have to trim our sails between chemistry and history.

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玲珑焱平凡的孩子,喜欢追逐美好并将它定格在感动的瞬间。Linglong Yan, an ordinary child, likes chase nicety and fix it in the feelingly moment.

扳动开关时,假如手感轻柔、不费力,说明该龙头比较精密。Pull when using switch, if feel is gentle, lightly, explain this bibcock compares nicety.

我希望我能够保持我的优雅,纤细,敏感,创造,宽容。I wish I can keep my elegancy, nicety , sensibility, creativity and still easily forgiven.

那么,面对如此精密的“利益链”是否就无计可施了呢?So, face such nicety " increase chain " whether with respect to at the end of one's wits ?

成熟男人的生活是严酷的,它会带走你心中某种美好,或许从此就一去不复返。Sterner manhood's life, it takes something nicety from our hearts, may be it never comes again.

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高速、精密驱动,剥线系列配套用步进驱动控制器。Is top speed, the nicety drive and shell wire series kit is driven controller with the stepping.

研究结果表明,一次性连续测定法具有快速、准确等优点,效果显著。The results showed that series-determine method with merits of nicety and celerity has notable effects.

这是个很大的挑战,因为变速解决方案需要更简单慎密的驱动和节制电路。This is a very big challenge, because gearshift solution needs the drive of more complex nicety and control circuit.

无锡采锋是专业制造超高精密橡胶专用注塑机的厂商。WUXI CAI-FENG is profession manufacturing extremely high nicety the rubber appropriation note machine of manufacturer.

不过,即使是完全准确的计算,其结果与天王星的运行的实际观察结果也并不完全一致。But notwithstanding all nicety of calculations, the real course of Uranus would not at all agree with the one computed.

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相对于颜所给的公式而言,用新的公式计算磁场具有计算速度快精度高的优点。Compared with Yan's equation, to calculate the field using this new equation has the advantages of speediness and nicety.

传统点结构光传感器将激光器和CCD传感器固定在精密背架上,限制了其测量范围。Traditional structure light sensor fixes a laser projector and CCD sensors on its nicety back, which limits its survey area.

设计的总原则应以患者为关注中心,具体原则包括方便、捷、确、适、明礼貌和可评价。The general principle is looking the patients as the center and the idiographic principle includes facility, shortcut, nicety etc.