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创造一个咒语。Create a mantra.

但是我的咒语说,不行,时机未到。But not yet, my mantra says.

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什么是曼怛罗冥想?What is a mantra meditation?

湿婆神的咒语会有用。God Siva's mantra should help.

这是另一句模糊不清、有水份的咒语。Another vague, wishy-washy mantra.

他有个一字真言,“可扩展的”。His one-word mantra is “scalable.”

这是一个观音菩萨的密咒。It's a mantra of compassion buddha.

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我们的口头禅是吃得好过得好。Our mantra is eat well and live well.

但是“改变”已经成为时下的主流口号。But "change" is the mantra of the moment.

我们唱着着记忆里老布莱尔的赞歌。We trot out the old Blair mantra from memory.

这也可能是这门课的最大意义了。And so this really is the mantra of the course.

和谐稳定是中华新帝国的口头禅。Harmony is the mantra of the new Chinese empire.

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但我知道所有的这些赞美,But I know their whole mantra of, like, you know.

这是设计研究团队的理想境界。This is the mantra of thedesign research community.

南无摩诃般若波罗密。是大明咒。Namo Maha Prajna Paramita, a great spiritual mantra.

“预防始于治疗”开始成为新的口头禅。“Prevention starts with cure” became the new mantra.

你看不看回家的诱惑。申艾莉这个就是被人诅咒的名字。The shortest mantra of this world is the name of a person.

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世上最短的咒文,是一个人的名字。The shortest mantra of this world is the name of a person.

专注于整个大地,并且想着曼特罗“大地”。Concentrate on the whole earth and think the mantra "Earth".

为什么这个〈楞严咒〉一念,那个先梵天咒就没有效验了呢?Why was the mantra from the Brahma Heavens rendered useless?