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喀斯特灌丛草地是贵州省的主要草地类型之一。Kasite shrubby grassland is one of the main grassland types in Guizhou province.

坡向对于灌木层物种密度也有一定影响。However, the species density on shrubby layer would be varied when the slope aspect changes.

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非洲一种灌木状的小树,有复式叶片和小而芳香的绿色花朵的总状花序。Small shrubby African tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers.

所以,在本地进行生物多样性保护中应该重点放在灌丛植被。It concluded that the shrubby vegetation was the keystone for the biodiversity conservation in the region.

灌丛植被在该山地生态系统中处于重要地位,是生态功能维持的主要因子。In the ecosystem of the mountains, the shrubby community was important to maintain the function of ecosystem.

草本和灌木层物种密度都明显受到海拔和土壤有机质含量的影响。The species densities on shrubby and herbaceous layers are both influenced by altitude and organic matter content.

一个拥有不寻常的肉色的寄生花,具有攻击性,主要生长在在南非干旱的沙漠附近。Hydnora africana, an unusual flesh-colored, parasitic flower that attacks the nearby roots of shrubby in arid deserts of South Africa.

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第一年长出一堆野草,又过了一些年,它变成浓密的灌木丛,再后来它长成了繁茂的树林。The first year it sprouts a hair of weeds, a few years later it grows a shrubby beard, and then later it develops into a shaggy woods.

对三峡地区灌丛草地灌木植被在山羊放牧条件下的数量特征进行了定量研究。A quantitative study was conducted under goat stocking on characteristics of the shrubby vegetation on a shrubland in the Three Gorges Region.

G系列旋转型割草机主要适用于草场、灌木林地的割草、清理以及地表不平整牧场的更新、改造等作业。The Model 9G machine is mainly used for cutting and cleaning the grasses on in on the shrubby and grass land, renovating or reforming the ranch.

系列旋转型割草机主要适用于草场、灌木林地的割草、清理以及地表不平整牧场的更新、改造等作业。The Model 9G machine is mainly used for cutting and cleaning the grasses on in on the shrubby and grass land, renovating or reforming the ranch.

从加拿大到墨西哥,通常人们看到它们蹦蹦跳跳穿过各种环境下的矮树从-从阿尔卑斯山的森林到灌木覆盖的沙漠地区。Ranging from Canada to Mexico, they are generally seen scampering through the undergrowth of a variety of environments from alpine forests to shrubby deserts.

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灌丛和草本植物群落分布主要受水分梯度差异的影响,不同群落类型的群落多样性有差异,灌丛群落多样性较高。The distribution of shrubbery and herbage was affected by water strongly. Community diversity was different in different community types, and shrubby diversity was higher.

该地区横跨玻利维亚、巴拉圭和阿根廷等三个国家,森林、棕榈林地、灌木草原和沼泽相互交错,生物群落规模在南美仅次于亚马逊。Covering parts of Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina, it is a mix of forest, palm woodland, shrubby steppe, and swamp. It is the second largest biome in South America after Amazonia.

为评价牧草在防止水土流失上的作用,2001年在金沙江流域退耕还林还草综合配套技术试验示范区建立了径流观测场。In order to evaluate the effect of incorporation of forage with forest and shrubby on erosion control, runoff plots were constructed in 2001 in Jinsha River Experimentation Demonstration Plots.