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我的儿子有成为一名板球手的希望。My son is showing great promise as a cricketer.

我的儿子有成为一名板球手的培养前途。My son is showing great promise as a cricketer.

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我喜欢学英语,希望总有一天能成为板球运动员。I like studying English and want to be a cricketer someday.

哪一位板球运动员是本世纪历史得分最多的?。Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history?

哪一位板球运动员是本世纪历史得分至多的?。Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history?

那就穿上白色的板球服,穿上白色来感觉一下黑人。Put on the white clothes of the cricketer. Put on white to feel black.

哪一位板球运动员是本世纪历史得分最多的?。Q8. Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history?

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巴基斯坦人和国外观察家对于这位前板球手仍然没有达成一致的理解。Pakistanis and foreign observers are still unsure what to make of the former cricketer.

前板球运动员伊兰·克汉也已遭到通缉。他已在警察逮捕他之前从家逃离。Former cricketer Imran Khan was on the run, having fled his home before police could seize him.

13年参与板球运动的经历使我见证了极端“专业”慢慢成为理所当然的过程。In 13 years as a cricketer I watched ultra-professionalism become entrenched as received wisdom.

女演员阿曼达·霍顿录制了一则信息“好的!再来一次!”,而前板球运动员腓塔夫内尔则高喊“出局!”Actress Amanda Holden has recorded a message saying "Yes! Do that again! " and former cricketer Phil Tufnell calls out "Howzat! ".

今年稍早,一位游客用手机拍下英国一位板球选手在加勒比海和太太以外的女人度甜蜜假期的照片,赚回他整个假期的花费。A holiday-maker covered his vacation costs by phone-snapping a former England cricketer playing away from home in the Caribbean earlier this year.

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生命中最伟大的成就是为了知道自己该如何生活而不断地重塑自己---威尔弗雷德。罗德斯,英国职业板球运动员。Life's greatest achievement is thecontinualre-making of yourself so that at last you know how to live---Wilfred Rhodes, English professional cricketer.