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“那么,我们握手?”默多克问。"So, do we shake?" asked Murdoch.

“对,你通常的交易,”默多克说。"Yes, your regular deal," said Murdoch.

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在贵校可以半工半学吗?Can we take work-study program at Murdoch?

他又一拽,默多克仍然没动。He tugged again. Murdoch remained as he was.

詹姆斯默多克被这个问题问得张口结舌。James Murdoch was left stammering by that one.

而鲁珀特·默多克善于把报纸扭亏为盈So Rupert Murdoch tends to bring papers around.

默多克先生很漂亮地打胜了一场硬仗。Murdoch has played a difficult hand brilliantly.

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小默多克说,他当时不知道那封电子邮件。Murdoch said he didn’t then know about the email.

詹姆斯•默多克表示他坚持自己的证词。James Murdoch has said he stands by his testimony.

默多克在伦敦一家酒店与米莉的家人会面。Mr Murdoch met the Dowler family at a London hotel.

而默多克扭转了局面,并且情况好转But, Murdoch turned it around and it's still around.

如今,鲁帕特.默多克的帝国同样对美利坚合众国产生着巨大的影响。Now the Murdoch influence is evident in the US, too.

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它属于像鲁伯特·默多克那样的媒体大亨吗?Does it belong to media moguls such as Rupert Murdoch?

莫道克大学对留学生有什么要求?What are requirements for oversea students at Murdoch?

莫克里奇已经加入詹姆斯•默多克离开的几个董事会。Mr. Mockridge has joined the boards Mr. Murdoch has left.

鲁珀特•默多克帝国最大的小报之一,one of the biggest tabloids in the Rupert Murdoch empire,

默多克层层剥茧,揭露了案件背后的内情。Murdoch cocoon, lay bare the secret behind revealed cases.

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我们可以做交易,大交易,最大的交易,”默多克说。We make big deals. We make the biggest deals," Murdoch said.

但80岁的默多克试图打消外界的传闻。But, the 80-year-old Mr. Murdoch sought to dispel such ideas.

她的干劲和决心为她赢得了接近默多克的位置。Her drive and determination won her a place close to Murdoch.