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你是唯一无二的。You are unique.

某种独一无二的念珠?Some unique chaplet?

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“中心城”是独一无二的吗?Is The Center unique?

我是独一无二的造化。I am a unique creature.

编写一个单精度浮点数。Writes a Unique Id value.

分类码是唯一的。Category Codes are unique.

象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢。It's a unique work of art.

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美伊战争是一场特殊的战争。The US-Iraq War is unique.

CDH13是一个独特的钙粘蛋白。CDH13 is a unique cadherin.

独特的镜盒内置喇叭。Unique speaker hide in box.

霸王龙的尾部是独一无二的。But T. rex's tail was unique.

为什么大马士革刀如此独特?Why is damask so unique then?

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这很特别,很有新意。It's so special and so unique.

其它工具对OER是惟一的。Other tools are unique to OER.

她独树一帜,特立独行。She's totally unique and cool.

这是唯一的,也足够。That is unique and sufficient.

鬼诗是李贺诗中独特的创造。Li He's ghost poems are unique.

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独特的时尚,独具慧眼的您。Unique fashion, high-toned you.

一次性特殊定制物品?One-off unique item custom made?

请选择一个唯一的用户名。Please select a unique username.