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薄薄地涂一层黄油。Spread the butter thinly.

把黄瓜切成薄薄的片。Slice the cucumber thinly.

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它可以薄敷,也可以厚涂。They can be applied thinly or thickly.

一轮红日从平静的海面淡淡升起。A red sun rose thinly from the calm sea.

把面团擀开,擀得越薄越好。Roll the pasta out as thinly as possible.

百老汇大街上稀稀落落地还有些行人。Broadway was thinly peopled with pedestrians.

尽管最近,湄公河流量稀薄。Recently, though, it has been running thinly.

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然后将大葱尽可能的切细。Slice pieces lengthwise as thinly as possible.

她在烤面包片上涂了薄薄的一层山莓酱。She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam.

他们也都几乎没有遮掩的自画像。They are also all thinly veiled self-portraits.

那么,为什么欧洲银行业的资本金会如此单薄?And why are Europe's banks so thinly capitalized?

一瞬间,将我感动的稀里哗啦。For a moment, I will be moved thinly in crash-bang.

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用猪里脊肉片加木耳等炸、炒而成。It's thinly sliced meats fried with various sauces.

切成薄薄的牛肉片本身就是一种视觉飨宴。The thinly sliced beef is a visual feast in itself.

烤鸭取下鸭胸部肉,切薄片。Remove the breast meat from the duck, and slice thinly.

如果我们让精力过于分散,主要计划就会受影响。If we spread our energy too thinly the main project suffers.

马铃薯和法式白酱加上口感浓郁的瑞卡达起司。Ricotta cheese in cream sauce with the thinly sliced potato.

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事实上这个路人皆知的宣传在昨天的文章中就有了。Actually that thinly veiled propaganda was in yesterdays article.

将五花腩切成薄片,排放碟内,以青瓜伴边。Slice pork thinly and arrange on a plate with cucumber by the side.

如果有需要,还可以撒上肉桂,在上面放上苹果薄片。Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired and top with a thinly sliced apple.