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哪个机场?Which airport?

城市还是机场?City or airport?

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拉瓜地亚机场。LaGuardia Airport.

在特纳里夫机场。At Teneriffa airport.

Jichang"是机场的意思。Jichang means airport.

是到浦东机场吗?Is it to Pudong airport?

这飞机场真美。It's a beautiful airport.

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机场没有滞留。No holdups at the airport.

机场已经关闭了。The airport was socked in.

欢迎你们来到云林机场。Welcome to Yunlin airport.

他开车送我到机场。He drove me to the airport.

敬辞怎样前去机场?。How do Iget to the airport?

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我可以在飞机场买到吗?Can I get it at the airport?

我们在机场分手的。We separated at the airport.

我得赶紧撤到机场去了。I had to flee to the airport.

郭虎送兰馨到机场。Guo Hu sent to the airport "."

我们在北京机场碰面吧。Let's meet at Beijing airport.

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我在哪里可以搭机场巴士?Where can I get an airport bus?

到台北机场怎样走?How can I get to Taibei airport?

在美国机场来试试啊。Try that at an American airport.