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走吧,孩子的干爸。Let's go, nominally daddy of the baby.

占优势的候选人名义上被任命为总统.The dominant candidate is nominally nominated for president.

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名义上他们信基督教,但仍然坚持萨满信仰。They are nominally Christians, but shamanistic beliefs persist.

这就解释了为什么独立乐粉丝看起来痴迷其他流派的音乐。This is why indie fans nominally embrace music from other genres.

罗兰转向宾克,用一种看似否定他的手势摇着他的头。Roland turned to Bink , shaking his head in a gesture that was only nominally negative.

试样的粗糙度应该满足5英寸长的直列单步液压缸的要求。Specimens shall be ro ugh machined to a "one-step" straight cylinder nominally 5 inches long.

名义上实行的是集体领导,实际上都是“一言堂”、“一支笔”。Louis Cardinals jerseys Nominally imposed a collective leadership, are actually "say", "a pen.

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名义上我判给了爸爸,倒不如说我成了姥姥家的寄生虫。I am nominally awarded a father, he might as well say that I became a grandma at home a parasite.

虽然在名义上俄国是成员国的平等伙伴,但是在上海合作组织中,俄国感觉自身是个次要参与者。While nominally an equal partner to all members, Russia has felt like a junior partner in the S.C.O.

对于平面阵而言,基元间垂向矢量是由于基阵载体姿态引起的。In a nominally horizontal plane, roll and pitch bring on the vertical vector between the hydrophones.

你付钱让人将家里隔离,且这些材料名义上又产于美国。You're paying someone to insulate your home and those materials are nominally manufactured in the US.

爱尔兰人礼貌而谦虚。爱尔兰人名义上讨厌英国人,但是我没见哪个爱尔兰人真正讨厌英国人。They nominally dislike the English, but I have yet to meet an Irishman who really loathes the English.

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埃及也存在强大的伊斯兰运动保守势力,他们由通常被取缔的穆斯林兄弟会领导。Egypt also has a powerful conservative Islamic movement led by the nominally banned Muslim Brotherhood.

因此,尽管他被指名为威尔士国王,他的地位仍然处于身为英格兰国王的父亲之下。So although he was nominally king of Wales he still played second fiddle to his dad the King of England.

人治在形式上表现为掌权者个人意志之治,实质上则是不受法律制约的绝对权力之治。The Rule of Man is nominally the rule of ruler's personal will, substantially the rule of absolute power.

以信用卡为例,让用户输入卡号名义上可以解决该问题。In the case of credit cards, letting the user type in the credit card number nominally solves the problem.

弗吉尼亚理工大学在名义上甚至还是一个“禁止枪械进入的区域”,持枪歹徒还是能畅行无阻地把枪械带入。And even though Virginia Tech was nominally a “gun-free zone,” the shooter had no trouble bringing weapons there.

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有许多有名无实的自由市场者,但他们并不妨碍哪些政策的执行。There are lots who are nominally free market, but they haven’t been aggressive about implementing those policies.

他说在俄罗斯大约有10个类似的组织,大多数是打着基督教徒的牌号,其成员一般隐居。He said there were about 10 similar cults in Russia, most nominally Christian and with members living in isolation.

在参考输入处的电压与内部电压基准VREF相比较,名义上是2.5V。The voltage appearing at the reference input is compared with the internal voltage reference, VREF, nominally 2.5V.