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但是去年议会废止了这项税收。But Congress let the tax lapse last year.

他希望他的老婆原谅他的失检。He expected his wife to forgive his lapse.

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他怡然自得的心情渐渐消失了。His mood of contentment was beginning to lapse.

警察试图追踪他小打小闹作奸犯科的缘由。The police tried to trace his lapse into petty crime.

领袖能从道德领导力下降的窘境中脱困么?Can a leader recover from a lapse in moral leadership?

这种气温改变率叫做垂直递减率。This rate of temperature change is called the lapse rate.

已经无药可救的迷恋明星卓别林有三年之久。Addicted Chaplin star gets three years for new drugs lapse.

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我们犯了一些错误,让他们得到许多定位球机会。We had a slight lapse and let them in with a few set pieces.

一名负责人已经表示,故宫的安保措施确实存在疏漏。One official has already said that there was a lapse in security.

提醒我更换驾驶执照,它下个月就失效了。Remind me to renew the driver's license.It will lapse next month.

这种关系往往与监督过失有关。This relationship is often associated with a lapse in supervision.

气温开始变凉了,晚上睡在凉席上已经感觉很有点冷了。Lapse rate begin to cool down, Sleep on mat, Already feel some cold.

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这两个解随着时间的增长将趋于五维膨胀各向同性宇宙模型。With the lapse of time, the two models approach isotropic expansion.

接近冰雪区地带气温递减率较大。The lapse rate of temperature is increasing in the area near glacier.

事故往往就是在一时的疏忽或者判断失误时发生的。An accident is just one inattentive moment or lapse in judgement away.

时光的流逝绝不会把那废墟的景象从我的记忆中冲淡。The lapse of year will never efface that scene of ruin from my memory.

我们之所以会回到原来的舒适地带,是因为——它很舒适。We lapse back to the old comfort zone because -- well, it's comfortable. 8

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乙肝病毒感染转归期",没有这个概念。Virus of " second liver affects " of lapse to period, without this concept.

有时候所有的人对老年都陷入了这样的错误印象。All of us lapse into such mistaken impressions of old age from time to time.

高海拔地区地表温度的垂直递减率要高于低海拔地区。LST lapse rate in high altitude regions is higher than low altitude regions.