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我喜欢雪碧。I like Sprite.

雪碧是你最喜欢的饮料吗?Is Sprite your favoriate drink?

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赢得雪碧三分球大赛。Win the Sprite Blacktop 3pt Shootout.

我几乎每天都要喝一罐雪碧。I have a can of Sprite almost every day.

是的。我几乎每天都要喝一罐雪碧。Yes. I have a can of Sprite almost every day.

给我一包大包的和一瓶两公升的低糖“雪碧”汽水。Give me a big bag and a two-liter of diet Sprite.

我一个钱都没有。你清我吃晚饭吗?I'm really thirsty. I want two bottles of Sprite.

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加冰摇合所有原料,滤入冰块,注入适量雪碧。Shake ingredients with ice and strain over ice, top with Sprite.

有时这个漂亮的姑娘会是个衣冠不整的调皮捣蛋的小家伙。Sometimes this beautiful girl can is a disheveled little sprite.

鲜橙汁、可乐、速溶咖啡,猕猴桃汁,矿泉水,雪碧。Orange Juice, Coke, Instant Coffee, kiwi Juice, Ml Water, Sprite.

为什么我喝雪碧的时候没有冰在旁边飞!电视里都有的啊!Why do I drink Sprite without ice beside fly! Are some TV! ! ! ! !

目今你已经对每个精灵中的图片有一些CSS选择器。By now you should have quite a few CSS selectors for each image sprite.

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希奇的是,很多人喜欢在干葡萄酒里兑上雪碧来喝。It's strange that many people like to drink dry wine mixed with Sprite.

让我们把这个用到那个,我们熟知的小精灵当中。Let's actually put this into play with the little sprite known as scratch.

一个没有女人与火炉的房间就像一个没有灵魂的躯体。A house without woman and Fire-light, is like a body without soul or sprite.

我们可以让精灵1住在这,然后来看这个特殊的精灵脚本。But I could home in on sprite 1 there and just see this particular sprite script.

加冰混合伏特加,樱桃白兰地和雪碧,倒入雪碧,分层石榴汁。Mix vodka, cherry brandy and sprite over ice. Add, sprite and layer in grenadine.

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叠盖电极用于SPRITE探测器,可明显提高性能。The overlap contacts used for SPRITE improve the performances of SPRITE considerably.

你也可以只为自己要一杯雪碧并说你在喝的是伏特加调的雪碧。You may also just get yourself a glass of sprite and say you’re drinking vodka sprite.

同时,喇叭形读出区可显著提高SPRITE探测器的探测率。The horn read-out geometry may dramatically increase the detectivity of SPRITE detectors.