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您也是武侠迷吗?Are you a wushu fan?

武术队的丰收日!The Vintage Day of the Wushu team!

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外国人称中国武术为功夫。Foreigners call Chinese Wushu Gongfu.

武术本身的价值很大。The value of Wushu itself is very high.

你对这次武术节怎么看?What do you think of this Wushu Championships?

是学习中国武术理想入门拳法。It is a ideal rudimental form of chinese Wushu.

1997年获得广东省武术比赛第一名。In 1997, the Guangdong Wushu Competition first place.

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近年来武术学校发展迅速。In recent years, Wushu schools have developed quickly.

2010年被评为世界武术拳种代表人。Was awarded the 2010 World Wushu boxing representative.

太极拳是传统体育武术的一个项目。Taijiquan is an event of the traditional sport of wushu.

世界图像化导致了人们对武术的误读。The world image turns to cause peoples mistakes of Wushu.

告诉我武术学校发展的原因吧。In recent years, Wushu schools have developed immediately.

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呃,你知道。我是学生武术协会的成员。You know, I am a member of the Students' Wushu Association.

在武术教学中进行德育教育具有重要的意义。It is significant to carry out moral education in Wushu teaching.

而另一方面,运动员则是为了取得荣誉而练武。On the other hand, the athletes use wushu as a way to find honor.

欢迎各位来北京武术宫习武健身。Welcome to learn kungfu and build bodies in Beijing Wushu Palace.

散打反映了武术的核心——技击,是武术的精华。Sanda, which is the essence of Wushu , reflects the core of Wushu.

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不要以为武术套路是花拳绣腿,打斗进攻还是有一些套路的。Don't think that Wushu is impractical, the attack or some routines.

1994年获得山东省少年武术比赛第三名。In 1994, in Shandong Province Junior Wushu Competition third place.

伊藤晴香与几个少年少女的武术汇演在2006青少年文化…Wushu Performance of Ito Haruka & several kids in Youth Festival 2006.