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形成了二氧化碳。Goes up the stack as CO2.

过盛的二氧化碳使地球保持温暖。Excess CO2 warms the Earth.

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二氧化碳的确是稳定的分子。CO2 is really a stable molecule.

在二氧化碳系统中的催化剂效率则更低了。The catalyst in the CO2 system is even slower.

放牧使CO2释放速率降低。Heavily grazing make arte of CO2 release decreased.

该电源可以用于手工电弧焊、药芯焊丝焊接及CO2焊接等。It is used in SMAW, FCAW, CO2 arc welding and so on.

但CO2不能延缓大米还原糖的降低。CO2 was not able to delay lowering of reducing sugar.

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除此之外,二氧化碳成本低廉且无毒害。In addition to this CO2 it is low cost and non-toxic.

二氧化碳从气体转换的过程中可以被抽取出来。CO2 from the conversion of the gas can be siphoned off.

植物吸收二氧化碳并存储在植物生物量中。Plants take up CO2 and store carbon in their biomasses.

利用有机溶剂捕集二氧化碳排放。Use of organic-based solvents to capture CO2 emissions.

第四种二氧化碳水平是前工业时期的10倍。The fourth CO2 level was 10 times pre-Industrial levels.

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而目前,捷豹XK的二氧化碳排放量大约是这个数字的两倍。Today's Jaguar XK emits CO2 at roughly double that rate.

介绍了一种温室CO2浓度测控仪设计方案。It introduces a scheme about CO2 consistence controllers.

举例来说,氮气在水中的溶解度小于二氧化碳。Nitrogen, for example, is less soluble in water than CO2.

二氧化碳和全球变暖的问题2,也从此产生。The beginning of the problems with CO2 and global warming.

在大自然的碳循环中,植物生长时吸收CO2。In the natural carbon cycle, plants absorb CO2 as they grow.

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吸收剂流量对CO2吸收过程没有明显的影响。Effect of absorbent flow rate on CO2 absorption is unobvious.

他指出,“煤炭在中国造成的真正威胁并非二氧化碳,而是二氧化硫。The real threat of coal in China is not the CO2 it's the SO2.

如果你使地球的二氧化碳覆盖层变厚,地球会变得更暖。If you thicken the Earth's CO2 blanket, the Earth gets warmer.