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这些人太没良心了。These people are too unconscionable.

他吃饭的时过长。He takes an unconscionable time eating.

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拥护穷人利益的人士认为如此的削减是不合情理的。Advocates for the poor consider such cuts unconscionable.

而我们这种把吸烟美化的行为是昧着良心的。What we are doing by glomorizing smoking is unconscionable.

指责廉价的中国进口导致泡沫太没良心。It is just unconscionable to blame cheap Chinese imports for the bubble.

我认为,这其中真正的奥秘在于李洪志昧着良心的沉默。I think the real mystery in all of this is Li Hongzhi's unconscionable silence.

本条例旨在授权法庭就某些经裁定属不合情理的合约给予济助。To empower courts to give relief in certain contracts found to be unconscionable.

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我一狠心,一咬牙,决定还是昧着良心顶楼主的帖子。I am a hard-hearted, a teether, or unconscionable decision to post the top landlord.

把一个家庭置于壬兴悲惨的境地、辆次遭遇情感的大起大落,实在是太没天理了。For a family to be put through such tragedy and emotional upheaval twice is unconscionable.

不同于保守的穆斯林和基督教徒,他们不想把同性性行为定义为毫无节制的。Unlike conservative Muslims and Christians, they tend not to think of gay sex as unconscionable.

除此之外,我还听说过许多医生昧着良心诈取病人钱财的事件。Moreover, I've heard of many real stories about unconscionable doctors cheating of poor patients' money.

该划的路段未划,不该划的却划上了停车线,这是非常不合理的。The road zone of said dash didn't row, should not row of but draw stop line, this is very unconscionable.

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法官在他的评注中措辞严厉,将两个美国佬的行径描述为昧着良心做事。He was scathing in his remarks about the American co-owners' conduct, which he described as "unconscionable".

如果合同是违反公共政策,但也经常被认为是不合情理,因此不能执行。If a contract is made against public policy, it is often said to be unconscionable and therefore unenforceable.

Karen深深明白,在宗教仪式中献祭动物的念头会让很多人震惊,觉得这太不合理了。Karen is well aware that the notion of sacrificing animals in a religious ritual strikes many people as unconscionable.

当你被不法商人利用,让你的名声落地,你仍然能承受住昧良心的屈辱。When you are being used illegitimately, so that your reputation floor, you can still withstand unconscionable humiliation.

事实上,正是因为有董事会的帮忙,CEO才能用不合理的方式,拦路抢劫属于股东的财富。The truth is that with the complicity of boards of directors, C.E.O.’s hijack shareholder wealth in ways that are unconscionable.

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这是一个不合理收费和可耻的背叛谁的家庭依靠政府和企业领导人来保护他们。This is an unconscionable toll and a shameful betrayal of families who relied on their government and corporate leaders to protect them.

对于这样一个行业老大,美国社会和民众是有要求的,光赚钱不做善事不行,昧着良心赚钱更不行。For such an industry leader, American society and the public is required, light not good not to make money, even more unconscionable not to make money.

前总统洛朗巴博在这场坚守权利的赌博中,在他的人民身上施加着过度的暴力并把科特迪瓦带到了内战的边缘。In his bid to cling to power, former President Laurent Gbagbo unleashed unconscionable violence on his people and brought Ivory Coast to the brink of civil war.