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我认为尼安德特人死了很久了。I thought Neanderthal man was long dead.

瑞尔-萨尔瓦多认为,后一种新的文化其实是尼安德特人的。Riel-Salvatore believes this new culture was Neanderthal.

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尼安德特人能够捕杀浑身覆毛的猛犸象和熊。Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears.

第一个被他们解开的染色体是今年早些时候宣布的尼安德塔人的染色体。The first was the Neanderthal genome announced earlier this year.

一个尼安德特人蜡像在博物馆展出A wax figure representing a Neanderthal man on display at a museum.

如果是前者,那么在所有或部分人类身上就存在尼安德特人的血统。If the former, then there could be a bit of Neanderthal in some or all of us.

南方古猿人、克罗马尼翁人、尼安得特尔人是三种灭绝物种的名字。Australopithecus, Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal are to name but three extinct species.

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他的发现不久将公布在他的穴居人基因组分析报告中。His findings will be published in his analysis of the Neanderthal genome shortly.

研究人员推断,第一种可能性是尼安德特人切断了豹爪,并把它们保存起来。The researchers speculate that a Neanderthal cut off the panther paws and kept them.

照照镜子。你会发现镜子里的脸蛋和穴居人的大不相同。Take a look in the mirror. The face you see is rather different to that of a Neanderthal.

照一下镜子,你会发现镜子里的脸蛋和穴居人的大不相同。Take a look in the mirror. The face you see is rather different to that of a Neanderthal.

例如,HLA-A型基因存在于尼安德塔人和丹尼索瓦人的基因组中。The specific gene HLA-A, for example, is present in the Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes.

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5万年前抵达欧洲,与尼安德特人竞争了近1万年。Arrived in Europe some 35, 000 years ago, competing with Neanderthal man for 10, 000 years.

海德堡人开始演化出尼安德特人刚好是在50万年前。Neanderthal features began to emerge from Homo heidelbergensis just before 500, 000 years ago.

科学家于近日拼成了一个完整的尼安得特人骨架,并且正在对染色体组进行研究。Scientists recently put together a complete Neanderthal skeleton and are working on the genome.

这也就解释了为什么我们今天发现的尼安德特人的遗传指纹不存在于非洲人的基因里,也不仅仅存在于欧洲人的基因里。That is why we see the Neanderthal geneticfingerprint in all non-Africans, not just in Europeans.

这是一颗臼齿,比任何现代人的牙齿都要大,甚至比最大的尼安德特人的牙齿还大。The tooth, a molar, is bigger than any modern human tooth and is even bigger than the biggest Neanderthal tooth.

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同时,一张尼安德特人基因排列次序草图也没有提供任何证据证明他们与我们的基因库有所重叠。Meanwhile, a first-draft sequence of the Neanderthal genome offers no sign that they contributed to our gene pool.

有可能是某些尼安德特人的基因让现代人类适应了新气候和新栖息地。It is possible that some Neanderthal versions of genes enabled modern humans to adapt to new climates and habitats.

他认为,就算穴居人DNA存在于现代人基因中,也已被淡化到无法发觉的地步了。But if Neanderthal DNA existed in modern man's genes, he believes it will have been diluted below detectable levels.