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我们都知道关于澳洲人的传奇。We all know the myth of the Aussie.

澳洲芝士薯条加色拉酱Aussie Cheese Fries with ranch dressing.

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对看好澳大利亚的人来说,最大的风险是中国。The biggest risk for Aussie bulls is China.

澳大利亚警告中国,哈哈,非常搞笑。Aussie warns China , hahhaha, very very funny.

他建了一个叫做“澳洲流浪者”的网站,用来记录自己的冒险经历。He set up a website, The Aussie Nomad, to document his adventures.

1997年澳大利亚先下手为强,在澳大利亚体育场25-6取胜第一回合。In 1997 Australia drew first blood, winning 25-6 at Aussie Stadium.

这个看起来很异域风情的饮料就是澳大利亚什锦水果罐头。This exotic looking drink is just like your Aussie can of Two Fruits.

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人人都爱姚明,澳洲篮球手劳伦杰克逊特别如此。Everyone loves Yao Ming, but especially Aussie hoopster Lauren Jackson.

看空澳元在过去几年一直“曲高和寡”。Betting against the Aussie has been a loner's game for the past few years.

日元又下跌了,而澳元与新元都有所上涨。The yen is down again, and both the Aussie dollar and the kiwi were higher.

2000年悉尼奥运会上,澳大利亚人对体育的热爱表现得淋漓尽致。In 2000, Sydney perfectly personified the Aussie extrovert's passion for sport.

澳元与加元一夜之间双双涨幅超过预期。Both the Aussie and Canadian dollars were higher overnight on interest rate expectations.

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他说,到2010年底时,澳元有可能接近与美元平盘的水平。He says the Aussie currency could reach near parity with the U.S. dollar by the end of 2010.

如果澳币如我们预计的那样走低,那麽在.8445的阻力价位应该不容易被突破。The resistance at . 8445 should easily hold if the Aussie continues to decline as we expect.

澳洲人真的超爱享受阳光,不论是在草地或是沙滩,都会有人悠閒的日光浴。Aussie really love enjoying the sunshine. People do sunbath no matter it's on beach or grass.

澳元正在平价上方,且看来非常有可能涨至1.0200上方。The Aussie dollar is above parity, and will start to look extremely interesting above 1.0200.

此酒是一款口感强烈、有充分的设拉子果香味并得到了橡木丹宁充分支持的澳洲红酒。This is a powerful Aussie red with plenty of Shiraz fruit flavour and supportive oak tannins.

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这位当妈的透露她希望他们家闺女能同罗素·克劳家的公子泰尼森结婚。The mom revealed she wants her daughter to wed fellow Aussie actor Russell Crowe's son Tennyson.

他目前押注澳元兑其他发达市场货币会贬值。He is now wagering the Aussie dollar will fall in value against other developed-market currencies.

开幕式结束24小时后,我和我的朋友还在议论澳洲队服看上去丑得可怕。Its 24 hours later and my friends and I are still discussing how hideous the Aussie uniforms looked.