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我老爸之前是个梅利普斯特。My dad was a Merry Prankster before that.

恶作剧者就是爱在人们身上恶作剧的人。A prankster is someone who performs pranks on people.

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“要赞美那个开玩笑的人,”纽伯格说,他甚至还建议大家给对方寄一张感谢卡。"Compliment the prankster" said Nyberg who even suggested sending a thank you note.

投资者和恶作剧尤西瓦迪提供了关于博客的危险小心演讲。具体来说,男性。Investor and prankster Yossi Vardi delivers a careful lecture on the dangers of blogging.

复活节后的周一利沃夫市恶作剧,乌克兰正在对所有过路人的黑色笑话。On Monday after Easter prankster of Lviv city, Ukraine are performing black jokes on all passers by.

但是他也觉得最终一切的现实看上去似乎只是一个爱开玩笑的造物主构造出来的而已。But he also felt that ultimately the whole of reality seemed to be constructed as if by some great cosmic prankster.

Claudia只是家住佛罗里达的一位46岁男子的恶作剧,而她与小卡斯特罗的爱情故事已经上了迈阿密当地的电视和报纸。Claudia has outed herself as a 46-year-old male Florida-based prankster and given her story to a Miami television station and newspaper.

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而仅仅是在陶氏股价大幅跌落的时候,BBC和其他人才意识到Finisterra和陶氏没有任何关系,他只和一个爱拿政治开玩笑的“整蛊集团”有关。Only after Dow's stock plummets does the BBC or anyone else realize that Finisterra is not connected with Dow, but with the Yes Men, a political prankster group.

真相大白之前,这位顽皮的皇室成员手舞足蹈地向他的指挥官发布命令,“要立即逮捕所有有摄像机的猴子。Before the reveal, the royal prankster ended with a flourish, issuing an order to his commanding officer, “All monkeys with video cameras should be arrested immediately.

真相大白之前,这位顽皮的皇室成员手舞足蹈地向他的指挥官发布命令,“要立即逮捕所有有摄像机的猴子。Before the reveal, the royal prankster ended with a flourish, issuing an order to his commanding officer, “All monkeys with video cameras should be arrested immediately.”