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无程序便无法治。Without procedures there will be no nomocracy.

因此,社会主义法治建设必须从“体制型“法治走向“生活型”法治。So socialist nomocracy must go to life style from system style.

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因此,要实现社会和谐,就要更大程度地实现法治。Therefore carry out the society diapason, need the larger degree nomocracy.

这一切都与我国建设社会主义法治国家的宏旨不相符合。All are not complied with the principle of building the Socialistic nomocracy nation.

建设宪政国家与建设法治政府,需同步进行。We should built the consummate coalescent china and nomocracy government in the same time.

警察法治的基本范畴是警政思想、警察法、警察权和警政法律关系。The basic category of policing nomocracy includes poling idea, policing law, policing power and legal relation of policing.

本文通过对相关概念的界定,确定了湿地类型自然保护区野生动物资源法治管理的对象。Through the definition of relative notion, this paper confirmed the administrative object of nomocracy wildlife resources in WNR.

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建设法治政府任重道远,要防止其被虚置、被口号化。It is shoulder heavy responsibilities to built a nomocracy government. We should prevent from making a false report and aggrandizing.

尤其是当案件经过反复发回重审,最后仍然被证明是冤假错案的时候,其恶劣影响对法律权威乃至对法治的冲击更是致命的。Especially, when a case is retried again and again, and proved unjust finally, it will be a fatal impact on law authority as well as nomocracy.

我们需要建设的法治政府应该是诚信责任的政府,公共服务的政府,有限的政府。We need build nomocracy government, which should be the integrity of responsible government, service-oriented government, and limited government.

符合科学发展观和生态文明要求的环境友好型和资源节约型环境法治工作正在完善之中。According to View of Scientific Development and eco-civilization, the work of environment-friendly and resource-saving nomocracy is perfecting now.

公开政府信息是党和政府打造"阳光"政府,建设公正、透明、廉洁、高效的法治政府的必然要求。To open government's information is necessary to found a "sunny" government and to construct a fair, transparent, incorruptible and efficient nomocracy.

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在我军实施依法治军的背景下,军队院校教育管理必然走向法制化的道路。Under the background of managing our army according to the law, military academies necessarily tend towards the methods of education management's nomocracy.

要搞好中国特色社会主义法治建设,必须构建一个既能满足宏观调控需要又能符合国情、民风的法律体系。To promote the construction of nomocracy with Chinese feature, we need a legal system corresponds with macro-control and the situation of country and folkway.

本文主要就西部开发面临的法治问题和检察机关在西部大开发中的主要任务,结合广西区情谈作者个人看法。The thesis discusses the problems of nomocracy and the procuratorate's main tasks in the Great Western Development, and gives opinions according to Guangxi's actual situation.

农民的法律意识是农村法治化进程中深层的内生精神因素,它构成了农村法治化建设乃至我国社会主义法治国家建设中的基础性工程。Farmers' legal consciousness is the rooted spiritual factor and constitutes the fundamental part of the rural rule-by-law course, and even the whole country's nomocracy construction.

科学发展观与法治精神在以人为本、维护人性尊严等方面存在着内在的契合。The idea of scientific development has intrinsic compatibility with the spirit of nomocracy in such aspects as taking human being as foundation and safeguarding the dignity of people.

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文章通过对于行政法治中诚信内涵的阐释,进而分析在行政法治中对于诚信的内在要求,探讨诚信行政与行政法治在内在要求上的契合以及制度保障。The thesis discusses the correspondence of nomocracy and honesty of the administration and the systematic ensurance to it by analyzing the connotation of honesty, and thereby the req.

中国古代,以“德主刑辅”为核心的儒家法治思想,对中国古代刑法的发展产生了深远的影响。But on the other hand, in ancient China, the Confucian nomocracy ideology of "Virtue first, Punishment second" had a great influence on the development of the Chinese ancient criminal law.

该事件的归责背后潜伏着诸多隐忧,厘清责任承担主体并正视现已揭示出的现实问题,既是法治时代对正义价值的呼唤,也是预防今后此类事件再次发生的当然选择。There are some latent worry on the duty. Identifying obligation subjects and envisaging realistic problems is the need of justice on nomocracy era and the inevitable choice of preventing this case.