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是纯粹的偶然遮住了阳光雨露。Crass Casualty obstructs the sun and rain.

悍马炮塔上的枪手伤亡率一直很高。Gunners on Humvees have high casualty rates.

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救援到达之前,不应该移动伤患。The casualty should not be moved until help arrives.

我现在但求他们别吻死马英九。I just hope Ma Ying-jeou will not be the next casualty.

使馆区的伤亡数字还不清楚。Casualty figures in the embassy district remain unclear.

我们来看财产保险公司What our--what does--let me go to property and casualty.

公司裁员中是第一个受害者。Mr. Jones was the first casualty of the firm's cut-backs.

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本地方言可能是城市飞速发展的某个受害对象。One casualty of urban flight may be Shanghai's local dialect.

旅行者财产险公司,哈特福德,康涅狄格州,新的名单。Travelers Property Casualty Corp. , Hartford, Conn. , new to list.

病人可能会混乱,失去方向感,看上去就象是喝醉了一样。Casualty might be confused and disorientated and appear to be drunk.

美国电子产品零售商“电路城”是最新一个引人关注的牺牲品。Electronics retailer Circuit City is the latest high-profile casualty.

他敦促非专科医生和急症室对可能发生的病例保持警觉。He urged GPs and casualty departments to be vigilant for possible cases.

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他的左眼,一个无神、浑浊的眼球,是第一次战斗造成的伤残。His left eye, a blank, milky orb, is a casualty of his very first battle.

为海难救助坚持在艏楼和了望台派设了望人员。Kept lookout men On forecastle and crew—nest for salvage Of sea casualty.

为海难救助坚持在案首楼和了望台派设了望人员。Kept lookout men on forecastle and crew-nest for salvage of sea casualty.

他们说,塔米尔猛虎组织强迫他们夸大上网数字。They said the Tamil Tiger would force them to overstate casualty figures.

抗议者和保安部的冲突中是否有伤亡人尚未得知。It was unclear yet whether there was any casualty by the clashes, he said.

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在伤者身上放置一条三角巾——长边越过肩部。Place a triangular bandage on the casualty – long side across the shoulders.

我们可能在追求公义之时,却走向报复之道,而造成更多伤害。And we can be bent toward revenge, making a casualty out of the pursuit of it.

在没有其他合法目标的时候,运输艇才可以承受战损。Transport may only be chosen as a casualty if there are no other eligible units.