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我们整夜都在河上的传统游艇上呆着。We stay overnight on a traditional houseboat on the river.

看来这场游艇竞赛还将无休止地延续。Look this houseboat contest still continues will unendingly.

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这种游艇式的设计也可以把家和办公室结合起来。The houseboat can also be used as a combined home and office.

我在那里时,就住在运河上的一条船屋里。When I was there I stayed in a houseboat on one of the canals.

诺亚也许是一个有一艘游艇和很多毛的老头。And Noah was a weird old man with a houseboat and a lot of cats.

结果他却建造出了坐落于德国汉堡的“船屋”。The result is this stunning houseboat located in Hamburg, Germany.

唐老鸭住在旧船上,穿一件海员衣,戴一顶海员帽子。Donald lived in an old houseboat and wore his sailor jacket and hat.

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我卖掉了布里斯托尔的船屋,并放弃了有机食品公司的工作。I sold my houseboat in Bristol and gave up my job at an organic food company.

还有一次,我坐父亲的住船陪他到恒河上旅行。Another time I had accompanied my father on a trip on the Ganges in his houseboat.

我曾祖母住在密西西比河附近,在河堤旁有一艘游艇。The houseboat on the banks of the Mississippi in which my great-grandmother lived.

全球富人对于游艇的追捧,问题也出现了。Global wealthy person to houseboat chase after hold in both hands, the problem also appeared.

附近蒙蒂塞洛市的游艇业崩溃,令安的很多客户失业。Many of Ann's clients had lost jobs when the houseboat industry in nearby Monticello collapsed.

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那天,父亲的“柏林号”豪华游艇驶进了古巴海域,停靠在哈瓦那港。That day, father's "Berlin maru" luxurious houseboat pulled into the sea in Havana, Cuba dock port.

如果您要求的话,我们还可以提供药物治疗和划船等特殊的设备。Please ask us if you want to have any special facilities like Ayurvedic treatments or houseboat rides.

游艇及相关产业已经成为浙江一些城市鼓励和促进的产业。Houseboat and relevant industry had made the industry that a few cities encourage Zhejiang and promotes.

从西姆拉到喀什米尔,一路上我们看到了湖上的船屋,拥有咖喱香味的窗帘以及上发条的留声机。From Simla to Kashmir and a houseboat on the lakes, with curry-scented curtains and a wind-up gramophone.

公司最新设计的水上房子是Noma系列,这个系列包括三个最新的游艇模式。The latest line of the floating houses from the company is Noma series, which include three new houseboat models.

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“柴火都是在水里捞上来的,”在一个船屋里照顾孙辈的56岁的梁桂妹说。"We pull the firewood from the water, " said Leung Kwai-mui, 56, who was minding her grandchildren on a houseboat.

中国的游艇运动作为超豪华的消费,在最近一年多的时间里悄然兴起。Chinese houseboat carries the movement is consumed luxuriously to exceed, recently in a year of much time sadly arisen.

想要立即购买到新的成品游艇的人,就必须交纳相当高的额外加价。Want to buy the person of new finished product houseboat instantly, must pay quite high specified amount adscititious price.