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雪踩在脚底下是酥松的。The snow was crisp underfoot.

潮湿的稀泥在脚下闪光。Thewet mud shining underfoot.

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啊鱼形之岛,我弄了一手泥。You fish-shaped island, I take what is underfoot.

所以说,我脚下碾碎的是好几英镑呢。That's several pounds' worth I'm crunching underfoot.

我讨厌我的自尊被你们践踏在脚下。I hate my self-esteem you have been trampled underfoot.

偶尔路边会窜出一只老鼠,几乎要碰到我的脚底。The occasional rat darts across the path almost underfoot.

它们的足感柔软舒适,而且即使在潮湿时也不会有任何异味。It feels soft underfoot and does not smell when it gets damp.

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一会儿,他反映足下的泥泞污水坑。Now it reflects the blue of the skies, now the mud puddles underfoot.

如果盐失了味,它就该被丢在外面被人践踏。If the salt lost its flavor, it should be cast out and trodden underfoot.

以法莲的醉汉所戴的高傲冠冕,必被践踏在脚下。That wreath, the pride of Ephraim 's drunkards, will be trampled underfoot.

后来利巴嫩有一个野兽经过,把蒺藜践踏了。Then a wild beast in Lebanon came along and trampled the thistle underfoot.

有部分小组在这个过程中始终有只狗在他们脚下晃悠,另外的小组则没有。Some of the groups had a dog underfoot throughout, while the others had none.

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那里有高大的竹子,头顶横着棕榈树枝,脚下落叶咯吱作响。There are huge bamboos, palm tree branches overhead, crunchy leaves underfoot.

我们看着脚下的雪,但令我们诧异的是,它们似乎发出红光。We looked down at the snow underfoot , and to our amazement it seemed to be aglow.

粗糙的石头散落在脚下,也矗立在身边。There were rocks underfoot and boulders about them, rough to the touch like scoria.

在这里坏人得志,好人受苦,正义受到摧残。Here bad people hold sway while good people suffer and justice is trodden down underfoot.

笨人寻找远处的幸福,聪明人在脚下播种幸福。Stupid people looking for happiness in the distance, the wise underfoot sowing happiness.

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因为幼稚,当头加以戕贼,也可以萎死的。And if you trample something underfoot because it is childish it is likely to wither and die.

它对于保证鞋子的抗扭转性以及支撑性提供了很好的帮助。It helps keep the shoe torsionally rigid and does a great job of enhancing support underfoot.

他们打翻了大小土豪劣绅在地上,并且踏上一只脚。They have beaten down the local tyrants and evil gentry, big and small, and kept them underfoot.