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大块大块脱水的兽皮和脂肪。Hunks of desiccated skin and fat.

一个人并非借用自身的灵魂而存在。A man doesn't borrow hunks of its soul.

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公司正在制作的商标铭牌上嵌入了大块的琥珀。The company is creating beer-tap handles with hunks of amber embedded in the tip.

加密-计量方法是把价格昂贵的大块数据分成便宜的小块来。Encryption-metering chops big expensive data hunks into small inexpensive doses of data.

如果你觉得自己喝鸡尾酒喝多了,突然看到很多大块头,也不要担心。If you think you’ve overdone it on the cocktails, and are suddenly seeing twin hunks everywhere, relax.

道路上飞驶着4000磅的钢铁块,除了黄色虚线外没有别的帮助。Here we have 4000-pound hunks of steel barreling down the road without aids other than a dotted yellow line.

午餐是烧烤羊肉,香喷喷的大块烤肉端咝咝作响,就象在炭火上的恶魔似的。There where barbecue mutton-chops for lunch, huge, savory hunks of meat sizzling like the devil over charcoal.

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所有这些骨块都非常坚固,他们由腱、韧带和肌肉连接控制。All of these fairly solid hunks of material are connected and maneuvered by our tendons, ligaments and muscles.

她的块头很大,事实上对于她们俩人都是,看得出来,她们一身都是肉。As Mrs. Watts, actually two pink wrappers suggest the excess of their corporeality, they"re big hunks of flesh.

足坛帅哥们跨越整个地球,为的居家淑女们现场版真人表演。Footballing hunks across the globe are getting ready to put on the show of their lives – for us ladies at home.

对于男性而言,试验结果在预料之中,帅哥如果在简历中附上照片则更容易获得面试机会。For men, the results were as expected. Hunks were more likely to be called for an interview if they included a photo.

大块的冰块,通常从附近的松花江拖过来,被建造成透光的建筑物直耸入云。Hunks of ice, usually hauled from the nearby Songhua River, are built into brightly lit structures that tower into the sky.

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一种纯粹的食草动物可以和杂食性动物共存的重要原因即是,他们赖以为生的食物是截然不同的。By using knives and forks to cut food into smaller pieces, we no longer need a large enough jaw to cram in big hunks of food.

粪化石——石化了的粪块——可以显示出远古动物的食性和行为特征,但是这个化石简直就是怪异地可以。Coprolites -- hunks of fossilized poop -- can reveal the diets and behaviors of ancient animals, but this one is plain weird.

他们打砸歇业的商店,冲入其中抢夺自己能拿走的一切商品,不论是肉块还是煤气罐或衣服。They battered the shutters of shops, broke in and seized whatever they could, from hunks of meat to gas canisters and clothing.

座座岛屿玲珑小巧,紧密相连,像一串串珍珠缀成的项链,环绕着半岛边缘。岛上珊瑚礁红,椰树成片,沙滩如银,景色如诗如画。Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms, and fine white sand.

然而将运动员塑造成“海岸救险队”般的俊男美女引起评论家的关注,他们认为这种行径会使球员看上去像花瓶。But portraying athletes as Baywatch-like hunks and babes concerns critics, who argue that doing so makes the players seem like "objects."

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张钧甯还向媒体抱怨,称两位大帅哥在剧中很绅士,但在私下很会耍宝,总是欺负自己。Ning Chang also complained to the media that the two hunks was gentleman in the drama but they were playful offscreen, always bullying her.

就如所有被女性观众所钟爱的韩剧男主角,他被刻画成不可思议的浪漫,并对爱的追寻毫不畏缩。As with all Korean leading hunks , well-loved by female audiences, he is crafted to be impossibly romantic and dogged in the pursuit of love.

指头按画圈的方式揉搓,就像洗头一样,全方位按摩脑部几次。手指应该搓揉过脑部的绝大部分区域。Rub your finger pads in a circular motion, as if shampooing hair, covering the whole head several times. Run your fingers through hunks of hair.