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或者你可以做真正的自己。Or you can be authentically yourself.

效率是做你喜欢做的事情,真实地活着的最后结果。It’s the end result of doing what you love and living authentically.

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事实上,只有当我们在爱自己时,我们才能真正地爱他人。In fact, we can only love others authentically when we love ourselves.

它可能在行为一致或真实交流方面带给你些麻烦。You may have trouble to act congruently or to communicate authentically.

我的每一样事情都是真真实实的属于我,因为都是我自己的选择。Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine because I alone chose it.

来自我的一切都归我本真所有,为我个人所选择。Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it.

数字签名使初始用户和软件能够可靠地发送信息。Digital signatures allow messages to be as authentically sent by the origin user or software.

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当你没精打采的坐在椅子上或是猛地坐在椅子上的时候,很难表达清晰和让人信服。It's hard to speak clearly and authentically when you're slouched over or slumped in a chair.

虽然远离祖国,他们的庆祝活动也同样原汁原味中国味。Though far away from their mother country, their celebrations are just as authentically Chinese.

颁奖礼之前就有了激烈的辩论,问题的症结在于这部电影是否能被称之为真正的印度片。A debate raged before the awards about whether the film could be described as authentically Indian.

比起恐惧没有确确实实完完整整的活甚至恐惧死亡也没什麽。Even the fear of death is nothing compared to the fear of not having lived authentically and fully.

多一些交际,加入到你真正觉得有归属感并且真正与其中成员有互动的团体中去。Get more socialized, join the groups you feel a belonging to and interact with people authentically.

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我最喜欢的三明治结合了各种特点但坚决保持了真正的英国特色。My best sandwich combines all of these characteristics and remains resolutely and authentically British.

咱们德州扒鸡,老德祥马家的是数一数二的正宗。Of all Dezaou roasted chickens, only that Family Ma made in old Dexiang store is authentically original.

与你所信赖的人讨论哪种性格优势能够更加的贴切的和你自己相联系。Talk with someone you trust about which strengths strike you as more authentically associated with yourself.

前几天,一个偶然的机会,当我再次看到那几张照片时,我想起了关于这只猫的一些趣闻轶事。The other day I saw the photos again accidently, that authentically reminded me of the anecdotes of the cat.

我们感受到,那种简练、朴实,讲求功能的内在气质,才是我们真正可以借鉴的。The terseness, simplicity and inner-function temperament that we can feel is authentically what we could draw.

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哪里有真正的自我——那张有着本真表情的脸庞、那个我们可以信任的表面的表面?Where can the true self be, this authentically expressive face—a surface of appearances we imagine we can trust?

但是这又是让你自己改变、变成真正的自己、让世界更美好的一个事实。But it's a real factor in letting yourself change, becoming authentically yourself, making the world a better place.

因为在努力远离你不喜欢自己变成的样子的同时,你也失败的成为真正的自己。Because in the effort to be distanced from being what you don’t want to become, you fail to become authentically you.