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我查阅了有关五角星对犹太人象征意义的一些资料。I checked some materials about symbol of the pentacle to Jew.

找一块平展的草地,挖一个五角星的洞进去,用尿灌满它。On a flat lawn, dig a pentacle hole, then fill it with urine.

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我有一个鍊坠叫做维纳斯的五芒星,是一个幸运物。I have a pendant called the Pentacle of Venus that is a lucky item.

这个五角星有着巨大的价值和对灵魂的恐怖的打击效用。This Pentacle is of great value and utility for striking terror into the Spirits.

金星每八年在空中的运行轨迹正是一个正五角形。The planet Venus traced a perfect pentacle across the ecliptic sky every eight years.

维纳斯的五芒星将美丽带入我对世界与他人的认知之中。The pentacle of Venus brings beauty into my perceptions of the world and other people.

拉丁字铭文为“赐予勇士财富”,五芒星的力量。With the Latin inscription 'Fortune favoured the brave', and the power of the pentacle.

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为自己这组争得一颗闪亮的五角星呢!Xiaoming in the first group is very excellent. he won a twinkling pentacle for his group.

象征符号是很有弹性的,五芒星符号的意义被早期的罗马天主教会给更改了。Symbols are very resilient, but the pentacle was altered by the early Roman Catholic Church.

我认为封面的设计者使用五角星表达了一种特殊的意义。I think the designer of the cover expressed a special meaning by using the pentacle on the cover.

围绕着这个五角星的是每个象征着它应该是什么的名字。你将要宣判的反抗你的人,将被指认为被恶魔眷恋着。Around this Pentacle is each Name symbolized as it should be. The person against whom thou shalt pronounce it shall be obsessed by Demons.

这个是合适地召唤火星性质的灵魂,特别是那些被写在五角星里的。The First Pentacle of Mars. – It is proper for invoking Spirits of the Nature of Mars, especially those which are written in the Pentacle.

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它起初的女性含义是正确的,但一千年来,五芒星的象征意义被歪曲了,人们还为此流过血。The original feminine meaning is correct, but the symbolism of the pentacle has been distorted over the millennia. In this case, through bloodshed.

结果36例异物中鱼骨1例,边缘锐利的金属片10例,枣核21例,塑胶五角星2例,玩具小飞机1例,铁丝1例。Results of36cases edgily metal slices were found in10pati ents fish bone in1patient nucleus of chinese date in21patients toy plane in1patient plastic pentacle in2patients iron chain in1patient.