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他们的房子被强拆过吗?Have they ever had their homes forcibly demolished?

老公愣了一下,还是强行抱住了我。Husband was stupefied , still held me in arms forcibly.

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一夜之间,他们的生计被强制剥夺了。Overnight, they were forcibly deprived of their living.

利用指定权处理财产的行为。The act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property.

强行脱离文化的法律是法律的畸形儿。The law forcibly deviated from the culture is deformed.

感觉好像用力挥动会很容易脱手飞出去?It feels it's easy to be out of hand when wielding forcibly ?

粗哑的声音在使劲地讲述着稀奇古怪的事情。Cracked and husky voices pronounced forcibly upon odd matters.

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仇敌的血,被迫捐出,可使你的敌人复活。Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will ressuttrct your foe.

这一点也已由马列主义者强有力地表达了出来。This point has been forcibly expressed also by marxist-leninists.

帕默向罪案现场走去,诺维克强行地拦住了他。Palmer heads toward the crime scene and Novick forcibly stops him.

帕默向罪案现场走去,诺维克强行地拦住了他。Palmer heads toward the crime scene, and Novick forcibly stops him.

这个对比很有说服力,帮他博得了她母亲的欢心。It was a contrast which recommended him most forcibly to her mother.

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那场恶梦狠狠地打击了他,使他后来把它记了下来。This nightmare struck him so forcibly that he wrote it down later on.

任何国家都不可以对强占的地区申索主权。You can not extend sovereignty over the area that you forcibly occupy.

不过,琳恩的律师告诫她不要指望强行将孩子夺回来。Authorities have told her not to attempt to take back the children forcibly.

日本没有否认有女人被强行抓走。看清事实再来说话。Japan hasn't denied there were women taken forcibly. Get your facts straight.

此外,超市在出门时强行检查购物小票的行为,也是不合法的。Also, it is not legal for the supermarkets to forcibly check dockets at the exit.

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清洁时,用干净的干绒布或毛巾用力擦拭就可以了。When cleanness, it is OK to be wiped forcibly with clean dry flannelette or towel.

这是自1956年她因政治观点被驱逐之后第一次访问南非。It was her first visit since being forcibly removed in 1956 for her political views.

上周四,重庆市政府发言人文天平否认了将有数百万人被强行重新安置的说法。On Thursday, a Chongqing spokesman denied that millions would be forcibly relocated.