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是的,问售货员。Yes, ask the salesperson.

这令销售人员非常惊讶。This makes a salesperson very open-eyed.

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售货员给他一瓶钢笔水。The salesperson gave him a bottle of ink.

让售货员帮你解决这个问题。Ask the salesperson to help you with this.

我不受促销员的影响。I'm not influenced by a pushy salesperson.

她是从最底层的销售人员开始做起。She started as a street-level salesperson.

销售员还应该测量你的脚。The salesperson should also measure your foot.

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那些时髦的店员通常对我翻翻他们眼睛。The hipster salesperson would just roll his eyes.

那个售货员说是世界名牌呢。The salesperson said it was a famous world brand.

让销售员给你做一个跑步分析。Have the salesperson do a running analysis for you.

春天是一匹美丽的布,燕子是个卖布郎。Spring is a beautiful cloth, Swallow is a salesperson.

经理不断地骚扰新来的销售员,直到他辞职为止。The manager harassed the new salesperson until he quit.

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售货人员拿来一款漂亮的灰色微波炉。The salesperson brings a beautiful grey microwave oven.

上面例子中的那名销售人员就根本没有底气。The salesperson in the example above didn't have clout.

我是来应征贵公司所招聘的售货员一职的。I came in answer to your advertisement for a salesperson.

对销售人员来说,打“冷访电话”会遇到哪些问题?What are the problems of cold-calling for the salesperson?

你已经连续六个月都是超级销售王。You have been the top salesperson for six months in a row.

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一位成功的推销员所需要的就是厚脸皮。Being thick-skinned is necessary for a successful salesperson.

对销售人员的喜欢。第一个做成的销售是销售你。Likeability of salesperson. The first sale that's made is you.

当我还是个年轻的广告销售人员的时候,我就这样做了。I started doing this when I was a young advertising salesperson.