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我有我的技能,克里斯有他。I have my skills, Cris has his.

克里斯是没有太大的垃圾桶健谈。Cris isn't much of a trash talker.

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在我看来,克里斯是一个更强大和更好的对手。In my opinion, Cris is a much stronger and a much better opponent.

克里斯也知道里昂在他缺席的时候受了不少影响。Cris is all-too-aware of the problems Lyon suffered in his absence.

在过去的10年里,人们在逐渐了解财务知识。But efforts doing cris to increase financial knowledge have grown in the lasting last 10 years.

圣安东尼奥得克萨斯科学健康中心大学的克里斯约翰逊,是其中的一名作者。Cris Jamson at the University of Texas help san signs center in St Antonio, was one of the office.

而在过去的10年中,对于金融知识传播所给予的努力也普遍增加了。But efforts dealing cris to increase financial knowledge have grown during in the last ten 10 years.

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这是自然的斗争在洛杉矶维塔利有很大的高比率,但我们知道,克里斯是不会运行。This fight is a natural in L. A. Vitali has a great KO ratio, but we know that Cris is not going to run.

该站点对该系统进行了介绍,包括目录查询、分类手册和系统查询等内容。The site provides many information about its search menu, manual of classification and search CRIS , etc.

尼古拉斯饰演的克里斯。强森,是一个能够预见未来两分钟所发生事情的时空能力者。Nicolas Cage plays Cris Johnson, a man who can see two minutes into the future and predict what will happen.

里昂是法国最强大的俱乐部,他们有许多很强壮的防守球员,比如克里斯和西索科。Lyon are the biggest team in France, they have a very good defence with powerful players like Cris and Sissoko.

前3个决赛中看到了胜利将3种不同的司机克里斯卡雷卡,塞萨尔萨尔瓦多和菲利普弗兰切斯基。The first 3 finals saw the win going to 3 different drivers Cris Careca, Cesar Salvadori and Felipe Franceschi.