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从技术层面说来这是很野蛮的That's barbaric in the technical sense.

老岩石和一些野蛮凿是全部。Old rocks and some barbaric chiseling were all.

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伊斯兰教不允许这样的野蛮罪行。Islam does not permit this sort of barbaric crime.

部落舞展示了一场五颜六色的半开化先民的奇观。The tribal dance was a spectacle of barbaric splendour.

“站在世界屋脊上,我喊出我野性的狂叫”。I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.

正是这种文化视野和看法不同,而被西欧人误认为不文明。It is this outlook that strikes the Westerner as barbaric.

殷为那些野蛮的助威者,劂球比赛郴得不暂停。The football had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters.

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有许多野蛮的种族奴役我们谁如果想有机会。There are many barbaric races who would enslave us if given the chance.

很显然,每个人都认为是“野蛮的”复印中心的工作人员干的。Apparently everyone assumed it was just a "barbaric" copy center worker.

只有遭到野蛮装修之后才后悔当初怎么就没有多留个心眼。Only after renovation by the barbaric regret was not how to stay in mind.

黄金仍是野蛮时代的遗物,只有在高通胀时,黄金的价值才会上涨。Gold is still a barbaric relic whose value rises only when inflation is high.

中国无视人类痛苦而选择纵容残酷野蛮的北韩政权。China disregards human suffering for her to chose to condone brutal barbaric N.

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这些虫子的一些战斗策略起初看起来似乎很野蛮,很诡异。At first, some of the critter’s combat strategies seem barbaric or downright bizarre.

她出生于拉塔塔克,一个到处充满流血冲突的野蛮世界。Ventress hails from Rattatak, a barbaric world where violent bloodshed is a daily occurrence.

在神权至上的国家,它强迫人们服从伊斯兰律法,有时甚至施以野蛮的刑罚。At its most theocratic, it forces people to follow sharia laws, sometimes with barbaric penalties.

活熊取胆是中国声誉上的一个污点。如此对待这些熊实为野蛮。Bear bile farming is a stain on China's reputation and is barbaric to treat these bears in this way.

在其他方面爱尔兰共和国似乎是个开化的国家,但在毛皮交易一事看上去就挺野蛮的。In other respects the Irish Republic appears to be a civilised country, in this case it looks barbaric.

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让我们重申我们对那些犯下这些野蛮行径和对抗我们的人的决心。Let us renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this barbaric act and who plot against us still.

“石刑作为处决方式无异于一种酷刑,这是野蛮而令人发指的行为。”他说。"Stoning as a means of execution is tantamount to torture. It's barbaric and an abhorrent act," he said.

那些无国界记者组织的斗士们,和米亚·法罗之流有没有对这个野蛮的杀戮发过片言只语?Have the "Reporters Without Borders", and Ms. Mia Farrow minced a word about this act of barbaric killing?