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对徐继曾来说,笨拙的事情根本不幽默。For Hsu, awkwardness was not humor at all.

他假装笨拙,把弓瞎摸了很久。With seeming awkwardness he fumbled long with the bow.

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饭桌上,由于尴尬,他们彼此默默不语。At the dining table, there was a silence of awkwardness.

不要批评笨拙或疯狂的建议。Don't criticize awkwardness or off-the-wall suggestions.

这样避免了家族聚会的时候带来不悦与尴尬。It saved a lot of pain and awkwardness at family gatherings.

人们还经常把左撇子和笨拙联系起来。And they are often associated with clumsiness and awkwardness.

她也停顿了一下,然后我们为这个小尴尬而微笑。She paused, too, and then we Goth smiled at the little awkwardness.

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我的客户大多友善可亲,不至于到尴尬的地步。Most of my customers are friendly, though not to the point of awkwardness.

只有一个钟南山,社会难道不感到尴尬和危险?Have a Zhong Nashan only, doesn't the society sense awkwardness and danger?

因此,我们总是被迫置身在生活的夹缝里,尴尬成了我们人类基本的生存状态。Man always lives in the crack, awkwardness is man's basic stace on subsistence.

但是那样做只会让这个话题成为禁忌,为以后很多尴尬时刻铺平道路。But that only makes the subject taboo, paving the path for more awkwardness later on.

因为不恰当的收买,AMD公司今朝正处于一种作难之中。Because be bought impertinently, AMD company is in a kind of awkwardness at present in.

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我们常常因为困难带来的不适和不愉快而回避它。Oftentimes, we tend to avoid problems because of the discomfort and awkwardness it feels.

他的到来显然打断了大家的谈话,场面弄得很僵。His advent had obviously put a stop to the conversation, decided awkwardness having set in.

无论原版中的角色表演有多笨拙,我们只能表演那样的旁白。Whatever awkwardness of casting we have in this original performance we'll cast that aside.

今年秋冬,在办公桌上放一盒纸巾,远离这种尴尬吧。Spare yourself the awkwardness this fall and winter by stowing a box of tissues under your desk.

这一切彰显了有法不依的尴尬和学术滞后现实的悲哀。All these reveal the awkwardness of legal compliance and the sadness of scholarly lag of the reality.

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在男人看来,女人这样子做是很偶然的,所以如果他不能知晓你的想法你也无需尴尬。It should almost appear accidental so that if he doesn’t share your interest, there’s no awkwardness.

我一直预期的尴尬涌进来了,是从几天后我们相见喝咖啡时开始的。The awkwardness I was anticipating piles in, starting when we meet for coffee a couple of days later.

我急急抽回,有种被人窥穿的狼狈和懊恼,我知道是小妖的出卖。I hastily pulled back, I felt be person peep wear awkwardness and upset, I know is small demon to sell.