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苏黎士在哪一个州?。Which canton is Zurich in?

你可以去广州塔看看。You can see the Canton Tower.

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你不该错过广州塔。You shouldn't miss the Canton Tower.

我们到达坎顿时,天正下雨。It was raining when we arrived in Canton.

上周末我去了广州塔。Last weekend I made a visit to Canton Tower.

第106届广交会二期正在进行中。The 106th Canton Fair Phase II is in progress.

世界上没有一个地方像广东这样有那么多的船。No place in the world has as many boats as Canton.

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下面我向大家介绍本届广交会的主要情况。Now I'd like to brief you on the 106th Canton Fair.

在广交会上,历次获得中国名优产品殊荣。In the Canton Fair, the previous winning BrandName China.

她是瑞士人,从说意大利语的提契诺州来。She's a swiss from the italian-speaking canton of ticino.

而且从中华渡轮的终点站去澳门的地方也在广东道附近。Also China Ferry Terminal to Macau is near on Canton Road.

卢塞恩是瑞士的必去之地。In Switzerland the essential stop is the canton of Lucerne.

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欢迎您选择粤星翻译社为您服务!Canton Star Translation Agency is always ready to serve you !

广交会是中国政府在1957年创办的。The first Canton Fair was held in 1957 by the Chinese government.

这是一条关于“E”的询盘信息,来自第109届中国广交会。This is an inquiry message about E in the 109th China Canton Fair.

这是一条关于“E”的询盘信息,来自第109届中国广交会。This is an inquiry message about E from the 109th China Canton Fair.

本研究对香港和广州的686名大学生进行了问卷调查。The study involved 686 university students from Hong Kong and Canton.

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商人们只在每年一次的广交会上被允许入境。Businessmen were granted access once a year for the Canton Trade Fair.

英语,普通话,粤语,潮汕话,能和不同地区客户良好沟通。Fluent to use English, Chinese, Canton language and Chaoshan language.

热烈欢迎参加“104届广交会”的各界来宾光临扶元堂!Warmly welcome guests attending 104th Canton Fair to visit Fuyuantang!