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浮云飘然而过。Fleecy clouds floated past.

一朵白云正在飘然而过。A fleecy cloud was drifting past.

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亲爱的小羊羔在你毛茸茸羊栏Dear little lambs in your fleecy fold

蔚蓝的天空铺展着一片片的白云。Fleecy clouds spread over the blue sky.

蔚蓝色天空中飘浮着朵朵白云。In the azure sky are some fleecy clouds.

天上时而飘过几片薄薄的白云。Every now and then fleecy clouds floated across the sky.

那些小孩的头上,落了一层蓬松的雪。It powdered the heads of the children with fleecy covering.

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师父来到的时候,蓬松的云层在夕阳的光辉下变得金灿灿。Just as the fleecy clouds were turning gold in the light of the setting sun, the Master arrived.

它是一个晴朗的一天,许多的云在天空上飘着,一棵大树屹立在草地上,三个孩子在放风筝,他们很开心!It's sunny day , the fleecy clouding in the sky , a big tree in the grass , three children are flying kite , they are happy!

蔚蓝色的天空上鹅毛般的云丝被吹散了,干枯的树木无限延伸,黑呼呼的树枝像一个有梦游症的人那样打着各种手势。Indigo sky swept clear of fleecy clouds, gaunt trees infinitely extended, their black boughs gesticulating like a sleepwalker.

时间早就过了午夜了,在雄伟威严的纽约医院,我裹在暖暖的羊毛睡袍里,静静地站在九楼病房的窗前凝视窗外。It was well after mid night, wrapped in my warm fleecy robe I stood silently staring out the ninth floor window of the daunting New York hospital.

我跳到窗前,惊奇地发现天空里甚至没有半点云影,只有几片小小的羊毛般纯白蓬松的云彩,它们根本不可能带来任何雨水。I skipped to the window, stunned to see that there was hardly a cloud in the sky, and those there were just fleecy little white puffs that couldn't possibly be carrying any rain.

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瞧,太阳晒着晒着,他就变成很轻很轻的水汽,飞呀,飞呀,飞到天空里去,变成一朵白云,一朵美丽的白云。Look! The sun is shining and shining, and he is becoming the light and light steam, flying and flying. When he flies into the sky, he becomes a fleecy cloud, a beautiful fleecy cloud.