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韦兰太太与她未来的女婿握手时问道。Mrs. Welland enquired as she shook hands with her future son- in-law.

做出这一大无畏的决定之后,韦兰先生又坚定地拿起了餐叉。And having arrived at this Spartan decision Mr. Welland firmly took up his fork.

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这儿没有工作可做,传统的公司大多不好,没有扩展生意的必要。Most of the trading companies are not doing welland have no need to expand business.

本工程对节省能源和保护环境具有重要意义。The system works welland has significances to energy saving and environmental protection.

韦兰认为,这种感知周围环境的功能将是手机的下一次飞跃。This ability to sense surroundings is the next leap for mobile phones, according to Welland.

假如他让梅·韦兰睁开眼睛,她只能茫然地看到一片空白,那该怎么办呢?What if, when he had bidden May Welland to open hers, they could only look out blankly at blankness?

假如他真的说出了这些话,而不仅仅是在心里叨咕,不知韦兰太太会说什么。He wondered what Mrs. Welland would have said if he had uttered the words instead of merely thinking them.

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当他出门走进冬季的黑夜中时,纽约又成了个庞然大物,而那位可爱的女子梅·韦兰就在其中。As he went out into the wintry night, New York again became vast and imminent, and May Welland the loveliest woman in it.

韦兰太太听大由命地叹了口气,梅则从座位上站起来,去收拾散落在地上的几张报纸。Welland sighed resignedly, and May rose from her seat and went to gather up some newspapers that had been scattered on the floor.

“当然,”她最后说,“奥古斯塔·韦兰跟玛丽·明戈特都认为——尤其是考虑到纽兰的订婚——你和亨利是应当知道的。”"Of course, " she ended, "Augusta Welland and Mary Mingott both felt that, especially in view of Newland's engagement, you and Henry OUGHT TO KNOW."

这段时间,由于梅·韦兰在他心目中恢复了应有的地位,奥兰斯卡夫人的形象正在消退,已经不那么清晰、那么索绕心头了。During this interval she had become a less vivid and importunate image, receding from his foreground as May Welland resumed her rightful place in it.

门厅里,韦兰太太与梅在穿毛皮外衣的时候,阿切尔见奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人略有疑问地对他微笑着。In the hall, while Mrs. Welland and May drew on their furs, Archer saw that the Countess Olenska was looking at him with a faintly questioning smile.

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她高高兴兴地容忍韦兰家客厅里的紫缎子与黄栽绒,以及里面的赝品镶木桌与时新的萨克森蓝镀金玻璃框。She submitted cheerfully to the purple satin and yellow tuftings of the Welland drawing-room, to its sham Buhl tables and gilt vitrines full of modern Saxe.

加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于汉密尔顿东南偏东韦兰运河上。1790年建立,是一个工业中心。人口124,018。A city of southeast Ontario , Canada, on the Welland Ship Canal east-southeast of Hamilton. Founded in 1790, it is an industrial center. Population, 124,018.

迎接这一消息的是一片沉默。韦兰太太听大由命地叹了口气,梅则从座位上站起来,去收拾散落在地上的几张报纸。The announcement was received in silence. Mrs. Welland sighed resignedly, and May rose from her seat and went to gather up some newspapers that had been scattered on the floor.