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省中部的尽大局部是被森林笼罩的高下讫伏的高本。Most of the central province is forested undulating plateau.

森林区的种群密度与农业区同样的高。Forested areas sustain almost as high a population as the agricultural sites.

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通常,人们会用飞机来将这种疫苗投放到森林中。Oftentimes, the vaccines will be dropped from airplane to forested areas below.

他们有一个很大的可以散步的森林露营场所。They have a large campground forested area and go for hikes throughout the day.

侏罗纪时代图片集。一群腕龙聚集在一个森林海岸在这方面艺术家的描述。A herd of brachiosaurus congregates on a forested coast in this artist's depiction.

我们接受生态遭受破坏的事实,但我们准备留出更多的土地植树造林。We accept there is ecological damage, but we are prepared to leave more land forested.

本次研究的范围包括城市公园、城市边缘的公园以及森林地区。Sites for the study include highly urbanised parks, urban fringe parks and forested areas.

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我1960年刚到那里的时候,沿湖一带整个都是被森林覆盖的。When I first arrived there in 1960 the entire shoreline up and down the lake was forested.

在如今,连早期两足动物生活在树木繁茂甚至草木丛生的栖息地,这样一种看法都得到了广泛接受。It is now generally accepted that the earliest bipeds lived in wooded, even forested habitats.

演出结束后,我们乘缆车登上玉龙雪山,徒步在森林覆盖的山间小径中旅行。Afterwards we took the skyrail to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and hiked the forested trails there.

立面使用红木包覆,大窗户可以俯瞰大海和森林覆盖的山脊。The facades feature redwood cladding and large windows overlooking the ocean and a forested ridge.

马来西亚东西散布著平原、郁的坡丘与山脉。Malaysia is dotted with plains, forested hills and mountains that cover both East and West Malaysia.

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哈佛特郡,至少它的北部地区还很原始,岩石公园植被茂盛。Harford County, at least the northern part, is still fairly rural and Rocks is pretty heavily forested.

顶层有大面积的玻璃,可享受这片森林地界的360度景观。Large expanses of glass characterise the top storey, enabling 360-degree views of the forested terrain.

造成这一点的原因是,在草原上种植大豆推动放牧者进一步深入森林。The reason for this is that soya is established on grasslands pushing cattle pastures further into forested areas.

神龙家被称为野人居住地,是一个野蛮的没有被开发的原始人类居住地,原始人居住在山林里。The Shennongjia area is the alleged home of the Yeren, a wild undiscovered hominid that lives in the forested hills.

南部的地形主要是树木丛生的山脉,山脉一直延续到东部,被极深狭窄的峡谷分隔开来。The southern landscape consists of partially forested mountain ranges to the east, separated by deep, narrow valleys.

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肤色最深的人是生长于森林覆盖最低的赤道地区。People with the darkest complexions are native to tropical regions, particularly those with few densely forested areas.

在南部主要是草原,北部都是森林,它包括沿着北海岸的冻土地带。These plains are predominantly steppe to the south and heavily forested to the north, with tundra along the northern coast.

走进该森林公园,满目都是热带和亚热带植被,小径蜿蜒穿梭于树林之间。The park is densely forested with tropical and sub-tropical vegetation. Footpaths and raised walkways wind through the trees.