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第二是对于乌托邦的热情的丧失。Second, there has been a loss of utopian élan.

十年经济增长让非洲商人有了新的活力。A decade of growth has also given Africa's business people a new élan.

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Medina说,Elan在接受治疗以前根本无法与人进行口头交流。Before the treatment, Elan wasn’t able to communicate verbally, Medina said.

感谢诸神多亏了Elan和他那条愚蠢的腰带,否则我还一直惦记着我的裤管泰坦呢。Thank the gods for Elan and his stupid belt or I'd still be thinking with my Trouser Titan.

正如惟有海明威所能感受,海明威深喜所遇法国斗士之勇气热忱、单纯质朴。As only he could, Hemingway loved these French fighters for their courage, elan , and simplicity.

Elan称,新公司将由七人董事会监管,其中的五位董事将来自强生.Elan said the new entity will be governed by a seven-person board. Five members will come from J&J.

这些人很有能力,但没有一个具备以“布鲁斯”这个名字闻名的沃瑟斯坦那种锐气。As capable as the group may be, none has that single-name elan of the character simply known as Bruce.

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茜拉·埃朗·科拉·布里出生于科洛桑,一直是帝国的重要间谍。Shira Elan Colla Brie was born on Coruscant , and spent her life serving as a key agent of the Empire.

但是,这思路非常简单,而且动物实验结果令人欢欣鼓舞。于是,埃兰医药公司的科研人员决定在人上作试验。But the idea was so simple and animal studies so encouraging that Elan researchers decided to try it out on people.

一某些会来,爱,一些会停留。看看晴朗的天空。爱黑暗还有我的侧投。嘿,来吧,来吧。Some may come, love, and some may stay. Watching out for a sunny day. Love and darkness and my sidearm. Hey, elan, elan.

第五就是抓住机会,杀掉大赢家的锐气,彼消我涨才有变势。The fifth is to seize the opportunity to kill the elan of the big winners, tended to I didn't change the potential gains.

伊莎多拉·邓肯被誉为“今世舞之母”,就连芭蕾也遭到了她势如破竹的保守观念的影响。Isadora Duncanisknown as the "Mother of the Modern dance", but even ballet was influenced by the radical élan of her ideas.

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滑雪的下一代。斯洛文尼亚滑雪制造商义隆电子提出了一个在滑雪产业的新的革命性创新。The next generation of skiing. Slovenian ski manufacturer Elan presents a new revolutionary innovation in the ski industry.

这里嘉宾相聚,宾朋云集,共同见证依澜家纺公司的发展成果,共同分享依澜品牌创建的成功喜悦。Here guests and friends gathered to witness development of Elan Textile, and to share the joy of successfully creating the Elan brand.

屋主说他之所以在家里如此精心安装这些音效系统完全是因为“我们喜欢听音乐!”The entire sound system consists of a variety of Elan and Sonance speakers, which are mounted either in-wall, in-ceiling, or outdoors.

选择通过滑雪选择你的完美在这个步行义隆雪橇它会引导你通过你喜欢的地形,能力,速度和个人数据。Choose your perfect Elan skis in this walk through ski selector which guides you through your favoured terrain, ability, speed and personal data.

伊兰全球研究中心主任泰德·耶德诺克也认同这个观点,认为告诉前来购买伊兰产品的顾客有关礼来药物试验门事件会误导顾客。Ted Yednock, Elan's head of global research, agreed. Telling people taking the Elan drug about the Lilly results "would almost be misleading, " he said.

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1927年起,看似自信满满,甚至带著救世主气息的富勒,想出兼融工程气势和诗意的多面体圆顶之类创新作品。From 1927 on, Fuller seemed utterly self-assured, even messianic, as he developed innovations like the geodesic dome, equal parts engineering élan and poetry.

斯佳丽,正如我们一样,不能承受放弃一个选择的痛苦,但当巴特勒万念俱灰毅然离开的时候。Scarlett, like the rest of us, can’t bear the pain of giving up an option, but Rhett recognizes the marriage’s futility and closes the door with astonishing elan.

社会活力是建构和谐社会的动力因素,也是人类社会保持更新进取的原动力。Social élan is a motive factor facilitating the construction of harmonious society, and it is also the motive power for the renovation and advances of human society.